Chapter 9875 puzzled

What Yun Chujiu was thinking at this time was whether to poison three people besides Fei Yi and Chi Wu...?

It's not that I want to poison them to death, but I want them not to say what they shouldn't say.

However, after weighing it up, I felt that the harms outweighed the benefits, so I gave up the idea.

The three people didn't know that they were almost missed by the devil, and they were rushing to deploy the antidote.

At this time, the symptoms of poisoning became more serious, and there was no time to pay attention to Yun Chujiu anymore.

Ergouzi in the spirit beast bag said flatly, "Little fairy, what if Huntianding is in trouble?

I just thought about it with my dog's brain for a long time and didn't come up with a countermeasure. Can you tell me something? "

The dog's tail snorted coldly in his heart. This Ergouzi must have seen that he has done a great job again, so he came out to brush his presence. It is really sinister!

However, it was also curious about what Yun Chujiu thought, so he drafted a leaf and listened.

Yun Chujiu asked instead: "Don't talk about this first, why did you say that Shaking Tianding told me that there are giant red petaled lotus and golden aortic reed in Dingxu?"

Ergouzi was taken aback: "Isn't it because you asked for it? That's why it told you."

Yun Chujiu sneered: "I thought so, but I suddenly wanted to understand just now, this matter is strange."

Ergouzi was puzzled: "What's the problem?"

"The Chirui Giant Petal Lotus and Jinqiao Reed were made up by me. If they are similar in appearance, there may be a little possibility, but the name and appearance can match, which is too weird.

Therefore, I think the real purpose of Shaking Tianding is to let me enter the Dingxu, but I don't know the purpose. Yun Chujiu explained.

Er Gouzi rolled his dog's eyes: "Little fairy, you are right in your analysis, or you are wise!

But what does this have to do with Huntianding? "

"Shaking the Heavenly Cauldron is the treasure of the Pill League, and this Heavenly Cauldron must also listen to it.

If you want me to enter Dingxu smoothly, I will definitely get the qualifications of Wuding Pharmacist.

This Hun Tianding naturally didn't dare to defy the order to shake Tianding, so even if I toss this place upside down, it would not dare to do anything to me.

Originally, I was not sure of this, but all the signs confirmed it.

In the first round, it arranged Chi Wu bye, and also arranged me and Fei Yi into two groups.

Fei Yi and I helped Chi Wu cheat. It's impossible not to know it, but one eye is closed.

In the second round, the dog's tail grass ate so many herbs, and it just made a hair loss pill to embarrass me, so I didn't dare to do anything to me. "

Er Gouzi nodded again and again, wishing that all four dogs' paws would stand up to show their worship.

"Little fairy, high, really high!

My dog's brain is really incomparable to you!

But little fairy, what if you guess wrong? Shall we not be trapped in this Hun Tian Ding? "

Yun Chujiu didn't care: "It's okay, isn't there a small pot?! It claims to be the ancestor of the furnace, and must know the weakness of the Hun Tianding, and it will find a way to deal with it.

No matter how bad, I still have broken umbrellas in my hand. Shaking Tianding will not die. "

Er Gouzi took another rainbow fart, and then asked puzzledly: "Little fairy, you are right to analyze other things, but there is one thing that I am puzzled by."

"whats the matter?"

Er Gouzi said: "Shan Tianding wants you to enter the Dingxu, why do you still take care of Chi Wu and Fei Yi? There is nothing broken on them."

(End of this chapter)

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