Chapter 9854 is suspicious

When Shaking Tianding heard the words of the Ten Thousand Beasts, he suddenly sneered: "Someone said before that the identity jade medal was temporarily lent to her. She is not a member of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

She is from the Buddha's Prison Medicine Room, and that is from our Dan League. Why should you three rob someone from me? ! "

Yueming Shan Lengchi: "Tsk tsk, the Buddha Prison is different from other places. Although the Medicine House belongs to your Dan League in name, it is actually independent.

Besides, those idiots in your Dan League have been targeting the little girl. If she went to the Dan League, wouldn't she fall into the fire pit? !

Our Qingwu faction is different. Although the disciple is a bit stupid, but not bad-hearted, it is most suitable for little girls to play. "

The Shoushen Stone and Ten Thousand Beast Genealogy were not to be outdone, and while running against other sects, they praised their own sects. In short, they tried their best to let Yun Chujiu go to their sects.

Everyone present, whether it is a few bigwigs or the people who eat melons, are all confused.

what's going on?

The four treasures of the mountain are actually inviting Mei You to visit their respective sects?

How can she get such love? !

Shu Yao was about to bleed her lips, she felt a great humiliation!

As if everyone was laughing at her!

In anger, she couldn't take care of a lot, almost shouting: "Four adults, why do you value Mei You so much? Why is she worthy of you so much?"

Shaking Tianding said impatiently: "Why do you have so many questions?! Anyway, she is more pleasing to your eyes!"

Yueming Fan: "She looks better than you!"

Shou Shenshi: "She is more pleasing than you!"

Wan Beast Pu could not help but get angry. They said all the advantages the little girl could say. What did it say?

Anxiously: "She is, um, thinner than you! Look at how fat you are?! Look at Mei Youduo, who is slender, even the front is flat!"

Yun Chujiu: ...very good.

Shu Yao was furious, sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.

Yueming fan tut: "It's shameful to compare this measure with Mei Yu? It's really overwhelming!"

Shaking Tianding said angrily: "It's really embarrassing, don't hurry up!"

The head of Gan Leng was buzzing and felt that the four treasures of the mountain were broken in 80%.

Otherwise, why is it so weird? !

He looked at the master of Situ Hui, and the master of Situ Hui was also dumbfounded.

He also didn't understand why Yun Chujiu was valued by the four treasures of the mountain. Now he wants to let her go. How will this matter end?

Yun Chujiu guessed a bit, it must be related to the broken umbrella.

Now the decision is actually in her hands. Which sect to go for a stroll?

When she was hesitating, Hall Master Xia of the Dan League suddenly changed his expression and whispered a few words to League Master Gan.

League Lord Gan also looked terrified, and then saluted Shaking Tianding:

"My lord, although you don't know why you are so blue-eyed about this Mei You, the younger generation just got some news about her, and they must report it to you."

Shaking Tianding was very impatient: "What news?"

"The personnel sent by the subordinates to the Buddha Prison found that this Mei You had appeared out of nowhere, and the household registration was not found in the Buddha Prison.

Therefore, her origin is extremely suspicious, and it is very likely that she is a fugitive from the eight evil prisons of the Buddha Prison. "

As soon as the leader Gan said this, everyone present immediately fryed the pot!

"What? A fugitive from the Eight Great Evil Prison? Doesn't it mean that the Eight Great Evil Prison is tightly guarded? How did she escape?"

"The people in the Eight Great Evil Hells are all descendants of the rebels. No wonder this Mei You thief has a scornful eyebrow, it turns out that way!"

"If it's the Buddha Prison, it's okay, but if it's the people of the Eight Great Hells, it is estimated that the four treasures of the mountain will no longer value her."


(End of this chapter)

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