Chapter 9851 Tasting

Not all of the people who entered the treasury got the spirit weapon, and six of them had nothing.

At this moment, they all had their heads down and their faces full of shame.

After seeing the Lord Situ Hui, he comforted: "This time the rules have changed, and I can't rely on you. After all, spiritual weapons are foreign objects, and they have to practice hard."

The six people felt better and retreated to the periphery.

Seeing that Yun Chujiu had nothing in his hand, Situ Hui couldn't help but frown.

However, seeing her standing at the back of the team, it didn't affect anything, so he didn't say anything.

At this time, the big brothers began to taste the spirit weapon.

The first is the soft whip that Shu Yao got.

Sect Master Yan of the Taichu Sect saw the soft whip and gave the disciples of the Taichu Sect a sharp look, and then said:

"Shu Yao girl is lucky!

According to the ancient records of the sect, this Yuehua Bone Quenching Whip is a treasure of our primordial family.

It is refined from the snake bones of the dragon scale snake. The most rare thing is that the Yuehua Bone Quenching Whip has the effect of paralyzing the opponent's divine consciousness during the battle. Although it is short-lived, it is also extremely rare.

I thought that Yuehua's Bone-Quenching Whip would be acquired by our disciples at the beginning, but I didn't expect to choose Shu Yao girl.

Alas, they don't have this chance. "

Hearing the words of Sect Master Yan, Shu Yao's mood improved a lot, especially when she saw the envy of everyone, she felt more contented.

Even if Hong Ling is lost, she is still the focus of the audience.

Since everyone stood at a cross station, and not a single person standing together, Shu Yao was standing next to Qi Wenhao of the Qingwu school.

He was holding a fan in his hand with mountains and rivers painted on it, and there was nothing strange about it.

The head of the Qingwu School Yin head nodded with satisfaction: "Wen Hao is holding a mountain and river fan. It was originally from our Qingwu School, but this time it is considered the original owner.

This mountain and river fan looks unremarkable, but it is hidden inside.

On weekdays, the divine consciousness can be penetrated into it, and then divine consciousness can be tempered, which is of great benefit to cultivation. "

Everyone immediately made a sound of envy. Although this Shanhe Fan has no attack ability, it is very useful for improving cultivation!

Shu Yao felt a little sour, but she thought about it again. This Shanhe Fan and her Yuehua Bone-Quenching Whip had their own strengths. It didn't matter who was high and who was low.

Then the big guys commented on a few people's babies, and then it was Chi Wu's turn.

Neither the Tantai Sect Master nor the Gan Meng Master's expressions were very good. In the final analysis, although Qi Shen's death was on his own account, it was also related to Chi Wu.

If it hadn't been for the short-handled broadsword in his hand to choose him, there would be no other things.

Thinking that Chi Wu was just a little pharmacist from the Buddha Prison, the two big men became more and more depressed.

The Master Yan of the Taichu Sect haha ​​said, "This empty knife is my spiritual weapon of the Absolute Sect. The rank is not bad, and the attack power is good. It's medium!"

He was very witty and only briefly said a few words so as not to cause further disputes.

Sect Master Tantai and League Master Gan said nothing, and walked directly to the next person.

Chi Wu breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the two big men would take him out.

The big guys commented all the way, but Yun Chujiu was the only one left.

Seeing that she had nothing in her hand, Situ Huizhu said: "Everyone, since the tasting is finished, the total score is high and low.

In terms of quantity and quality, Danmeng is even better. Do you have any objections? "

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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