Chapter 9830

After Situ Huizhu got the answer from Shaking Tianding, he announced that those who got the brand could receive the prize.

Each brand has a number on it, and these numbers correspond to the same number of prizes.

Those who had the brand were very happy holding the prizes in their hands, but seeing Yun Chujiu's pile of prizes suddenly felt bad.

Yun Chujiu was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Second brother, what you said seems to be moist!

These things look pretty good!

You and the eldest brother are only two, too few, come, you pick two more randomly from me, make up a big four! "

Everyone almost lost their noses and crooked!

They didn't get any of them, but this Mei You used it as a gift. It's so popular!

Shaking Tianding was also very angry. In fact, he regretted it after he said it, but he couldn't take it back when he said it. Isn't that a slap in the face by himself? !

It changed his mind to think about it, it doesn't hurt to give it to her, she will be trapped in the treasury, and these things should be put in the treasury.

Thinking about it this way, looking at Yun Chujiu's haunting look, it felt less dazzling.

At this time, Situ Huizhu motioned everyone to return to their original positions, and the most exciting moment is about to come next!

Those elite disciples didn't even look down on the prizes just now, they came rushing to the treasure house.

This time, there is no need to line up anymore. Everyone only needs to spread their hands, and the four treasures of the mountain will directly send the keys to the storage to the selected person.

Before long, four keys floated from Shaking Tianding and flying towards the crowd.

One fell into the hands of Shu Yao of the Dan League, one fell into the hands of Qi Wenhao of the Qingwu faction, one fell into the hands of Duanmu Yan from the Taichu Sect, and one fell into the hands of Qi Jin of the Wan Beast Sect.

The four of them were ecstatic. Although they felt that they had great hope, only when they got the key, their hearts were completely stable.

Next, another sixteen keys were distributed, all of which were divided equally among the four major sects. Du Gumu and Murongheng also received the keys.

Qibei also got a handful, Qidong and Qinan looked envious.

But there is no way, this is the choice of the pioneer of the mountain, they can only accept it.

There were only twenty keys each time, and they were all issued now, and everyone had to put down their hands in disappointment.

However, at this moment, Shaking Tianding actually issued another key and flew towards the crowd.

Everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly spread out their hands again, hoping to be favored.

However, the key passed the people of the four major sects, and passed the people of the small and medium forces, and flew towards the handyman area.

The handymen are almost crazy!

This time, the treasure of the mountain seems to be particularly favored by them. In the first round, there were already more places than before. This time there is a key to the treasure house, which is really amazing!

Everyone looked at the key eagerly, hoping that it could fall into their palms so that they could enter the treasure house to select the treasure.

However, seeing that key flew towards the back.

With a look of envy, Chi Wu whispered: "Sister, this key must be coming to you."

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes: "When it flies over for a while, you can grab it before it falls into my hand!"

Chi Wu: "..."

Can you still play like this? !

Others would definitely have a lot of worries, but Chi Wu was also an unreasonable person, and he agreed with almost no hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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