Chapter 9815 Strange

When Yun Chujiu heard it, she suddenly splashed her head like cold water. She had hoped to find a way to enter the forbidden area without knowing it, but now she seems to be thinking too much.

Just when Yun Chujiu was about to give up this plan, the dog's tail grass in the dantian said like a convulsion that he had something to say.

Because there were no others here, Yun Chujiu handed the control of his body to Gouweicao.

After the dog's tail grass gained control of the body, he first waved his arms a few times, and then said mysteriously:

"Grandma, didn't you let me trace the whereabouts of the little thief?!

Although I didn't find the little thief, I found another secret! "

"Sell less, speak up!"

"I swam back and forth along the underground river several times, and finally found a secret waterway connected to a well in the forbidden area.

The top of the well was pressed with a big stone, and I finally squeezed out from the gap, and found that it was actually the forbidden area of ​​Tianyuanjian.

There is a stone tablet in front of the well with densely written characters. I don’t know if it’s been a long time. Anyway, there are a lot of characters that I can’t read clearly, but the three big characters "Cheating people well" are fairly clear.

If it wasn't for my energy to run out, I would copy the writing on the stele for you. "The dog's tail whispered.

Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up: "You mean, I can enter the forbidden area through that well? Can there be patrollers in the forbidden area? How far is the place where the Hongmeng sacred stone appears from that well?"

Before Gouweicao could answer, Xiao Qiaoer said to Yun Chujiu: "I know this. I wandered there before. The stone platform where I last appeared is less than a hundred meters away from the well.

Don't worry, there is no one in the forbidden area on weekdays. In the past, those little boys who appeared outside would have signs before they entered the forbidden area. "

Dog's tail grass finally had the opportunity to talk directly with Xiao Qiaoer again, and naturally would not give up this good opportunity.

It nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, Xiao Qiaoer's sister is right, there is really no one in the forbidden area."

Yun Chujiu asked again: "What danger is there on this road?"

Dogtail Cao said with a relaxed expression: "Similar to the situation here, there are no powerful aquatic monsters at all. I doubt that the people outside are scared and scared to say that this dark river is very dangerous, which is really funny."

This guy was originally an arrogant and arrogant temperament, especially in front of Xiao Qiao'er, of course he had to perform well.

Yun Chujiu thinks this is very strange. If there are no ferocious aquatic monsters in this dark river, why do you let those big guys stay silent?

This is certainly not a question of courage, and that eye-biting well must have killed people, otherwise it would not be named.

She was heartbroken, no matter what, she solved the current situation first.

So, she once again released the spirit body of the dog's tail grass and let it lead the way.

After a while, Yun Chujiu realized a question afterwards, and gritted his teeth and asked the dog's tail grass:

"Since you have known that the puddle under the drip cliff is connected to the underground river, why didn't you tell me when I was worried that I couldn't get out?

The dog's tail trembled with a guilty conscience. At that time, he was so excited when he found the well!

It's going to make a big contribution to the world!

It's going to overwhelm Ergouzi in front of Xiaoqiaoer sister!

It just thought about these things, and didn't care about anything else.

When it was about to say something, Yun Chujiu had already thought of a way.

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay.



(End of this chapter)

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