Chapter 9811 alarmist talk

Yun Chujiu did not sell Guanzi, and said directly:

"In that case, I will talk about my guess.

I think this is a huge conspiracy. Once the fruit is taken, the shadow will enter the divine consciousness and become an uncontrollable risk factor.

It may stay dormant for a while, but it may seize the house when the time is right, it may force you to do something, or it may explode.

What's even more frightening is that once you leave here, your memory will be erased, and you can't even guess that you took it yourself.

Also, this sacred mountain of Hongmeng has been opened for tens of thousands of years. Almost all the bigwigs of the Hongmeng world have come in, so they may have similar shadows in their spiritual consciousness.

Think about it, if the people behind the shadows make trouble, the consequences will be disastrous! In short, your lives are at stake! The Hongmeng world is in danger! "

Everyone turned pale when Yun Chujiu said this.

If what she infers is true, the person behind it is terrible!

Of course, there are some who do not believe it, such as Shu Yao.

"Mei You, you don't have to be there to confuse the people, and be alarmist.

There are countless tianjiaos who have come in these years. Isn’t it better than you, a hillbilly from the buddha prison? !

They didn't find out, why did you find out? Do you have longer eyes than others? !

Taking a step back, even if what you said is true, why hasn't it been abnormal for so many years?

Let me say that this dark shadow might be the key to enlighten the divine orifice. Otherwise, why can the divine orifice be opened by taking the fruit? ! "

Shu Yao's remarks immediately resonated with everyone. Yes, if the dark shadow had something to do, it would have been a move. It would not have been so calm.

Most of Mei You is too conspiracy theory, that shadow must be the key to enlightenment.

The vast majority of people believed this statement, and only a few felt that Yun Chujiu's guess was impossible.

Seeing that everyone agreed with her statement, Shu Yao gave Yun Chujiu a mocking look:

"Mei You, it seems that what I said before is correct, you have made such a conspiracy theory because of your unbalanced heart.

Unfortunately, no one here will believe your nonsense. "

After Shu Yao finished speaking, she walked away proudly.

Others said something to Yun Chujiu, neither salty nor indifferent, and they all dispersed.

However, Qi Wenhao's hurricane team stayed.

Qi Wenhao said anxiously, "Miss Mei, I think your inference may be true.

But, have you thought about it?

Even if we don't take Aoguo and keep the memory here, what can we change?

Senior Zongmen was threatened by the shadows, I am afraid that the moment we tell the truth is waiting for us. "

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Brother Qi, what he said is quite true.

But how do you know that you will not succeed if you don't? !

Furthermore, even if the shadow enters the divine sense, there is a solution. "

Qi Wenhao's eyes lit up suddenly: "What way?"

Yun Chujiu explained the method of dividing the divine consciousness and then detonating it.

"Senior Brother Qi, we don't have to do anything. We just need to make this method public, and those who are interested in getting rid of the shadows will naturally follow suit.

Of course, I infer that the longer the shadow enters the divine sense, the more divine sense it wants to get rid of the loss, it depends on those powerful choices. "

After Qi Wenhao listened, he brought a few people from the team to the side to discuss for a while, then walked over and said:

"Miss May, can I ask you something?"

 Continue tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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