Chapter 9802 Sincerity

Sandan is usually a heartless lord, but this time he has a long heart.

After arriving at the station, it called the big heads to a place where no one was there.

"It's over, now you're over! Even if you return to the beast's nest, you can't get bigger.

You still learn from me, hurry up and ask the little girl to contract with you!

Otherwise, just wait to be bullied! "

The tone of what it said was a bit complicated, mostly sad, but there was still a small part of it.

When it volunteered to be a mount before, the eyes of these four people looked like fools.

Hmph, now it turns out that it is the most wise!

They were shocked and frightened at the big end, and Sandan told the story vividly, and then said:

"How? Now you know that my choice is right? Don't you hurry up to ask the little girl to contract you?"

Contrary to Sandan's expectation, even though they believed it, they were still unwilling to sign a contract with Yun Chujiu.

First, they don't want to be restrained. The aggrieved days of the past few days have been difficult enough, and I don't want to be like this in the future.

Second, they have become accustomed to the life here, and they won't adapt to it outside, and they might not be able to cultivate.

Third, listening to what the little girl meant, no one would come in here anymore. In this case, they would have no natural enemies, and there was no need to worry about their lives.

Sandan persuaded them for a long time but didn't persuade them, so they gave up in shock.

People have their own ambitions and cannot be forced.

At this time, Yun Chujiu was discussing with Xiao Qiaoer how to...wrap the wool.

These people who come in are all outstanding among the younger generation of major forces. They are usually valued by the elders, and naturally there are many good things in their hands.

Half an hour later, the old voice sounded again: "Everyone gathers at Dishui Cliff, and those who haven't arrived within two hours will be eliminated directly."

When everyone heard it, they hurried to Dishui Cliff.

Yun Chujiu and others were also among them, but Yun Chujiu came with three eggs.

Sandan now hopes that Yun Chujiu will call it more, so that it represents its value.

The more people gathered, Yun Chujiu found that everyone's expressions were very solemn.

This is also normal, Xiaoqiaoer used a method, so their Qiaoguo seedlings are now withered and yellow leaves, how can they not be anxious to get angry? !

When the hour came, the old voice said:

"Your luck is a little bit bad, Qiao Guomiao all have some problems.

However, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. As long as you follow the requirements of the old man, not only will the seedlings be restored to the original condition, but the fruit will be more than you expected. "

When everyone heard the first half, they sighed in their hearts, and they were relieved when they heard the words behind.

"Now the spring water of Dishui Cliff is useless for your Aperture Fruit Seedlings. You must use the spring water of the God Aperture.

Shenqiao Spring Water is extremely precious, and I don’t have much here.

I intended to let you fight, and the one with the highest cultivation level will get it.

But considering that it is not easy for you to come in once, and the time limit is coming soon, so as long as you are sincere, you can get the spring water from the gods.

So now it depends on your sincerity! "

Then, there is no more.

Everyone looked confused, what does this sincerity mean?

Someone guessed: "Do you want us to kneel?"

As a result, many people knelt down, and some even kowtowed.

Unfortunately, to no avail.

Yun Chujiu muttered in his heart, these people are too stupid, don't know what sincerity is? Give money quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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