Chapter 9792 is countless strategy

Yun Chujiu was afraid that Xiao Qiao'er would go crazy, so he put Er Gouzi into the beast bag and said with a smile:

"It can't spit out ivory, just ignore it."

Xiao Qiao'er had some unspeakable feelings in her heart. This stinky girl had said this before, but it was different now.

Before it was scolding, but now it was partiality.

Yun Chujiu licked a few melon seeds and urged: "You are definitely not an ordinary fruit seedling, what are you?"

Xiao Qiao'er stabilized his mind, and then said, "You are right. I am indeed different from other Ao-fruit seedlings. I am a little higher than their level.

As for why this happens, I am not sure. "

Yun Chujiu raised his eyebrows: "Xiao Qiaoer, do you think you can fool me by just making up a lie? You are too naive."

Xiao Qiao'er was a little annoyed: "I'm telling the truth, so forget it if you don't believe it."

Yun Chujiu finished eating the melon seeds in his hand, and then said, "Xiao Qiaoer, I should have threatened you now. I guess you can tell the truth.

But it's too much trouble!

Why not, let me guess, lest you think I'm very foolish. "

Xiaoqiao's contempt, guess what? You can't guess my identity even if you break your head.

At the next moment, it heard Yun Chujiu say: "I guess you made all those tricks, right?"

Xiao Qiao'er's plant trembled suddenly, and then said loudly: "Nonsense, you are nonsense! How could those little **** be caused by me?!"

Yun Chujiu smiled: "Don't get angry first, let's talk about another thing first.

The problems with those Ao Guomiao before were not caused by the dark shadows in their divine consciousness, but you used some means.

Am i right? "

Xiao Qiao'er's plant trembled again and hesitated: "How did you know?"

Yun Chujiu smiled: "First, the time of the accident is too coincidental.

At that time, those people were about to besiege me, but there was a problem with their Qiao Guomiao at that time. I didn't think that shadow would help me.

Secondly, the Qiao Guomiao had an accident, but Chiwu and their Qiao Guomiao were safe and sound. If it has nothing to do with you, it is impossible.

Third, you missed your mouth before and called those Ao Guomiao babes, and the tone was quite contemptuous, so it is not surprising that there are means to deal with them.

Of course, this is also a guess, and it seems to be correct. "

Xiao Qiao'er snorted coldly: "It's just that the blind cat hit the dead mouse. Even if you guessed it right, what you said before is nonsense.

Those **** were not my knot at all, you guessed it wrong. "

"Xiaoqiaoer, the knots I'm talking about do not mean flowering and fruiting, but they are all related to you.

Maybe someone used some means to extract something from you to produce these tricks, or maybe you were forced to use some method to get these tricks.

I don’t know if I’m right? "

Xiao Qiao'er's plant trembled violently: "You, you..."

"You want to ask how I guessed it?

It's simple, I will count!

Not only did I count this, I also counted that the old voice before was also you, right? "

Xiao Qiaoer blurted out: "You, you are not human!"

Ergouzi's tone was full of pride: "Of course she is not a human being, she is my little fairy!

Xiao Jianmiao, our little fairy has always been an exhaustive plan, even if you don't say she can count it, asking you is just a test of you! "

Continue tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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