Chapter 9773

Yun Chujiu had experience and was prepared when he touched, so the strand of spiritual consciousness that was separated was not injured.

However, the seeds have been exploded into powder, and it still seems not to work.

When she was upset, Sandan said with a distressed voice: "Look at the good things you have done! You actually exploded the good fruit seeds!

You would rather blow it up than eat it for me, you are so cruel! "

Yun Chujiu endured forbearance: "I ask you, why did the black shadow explode as soon as my consciousness touched the black shadow?"

Sandan said irritably, "Isn't it easy?! When the imprint of the divine consciousness was placed, restrictions were imposed. Only the person involved can erase it, not with the help of external forces."

"So is there any other way?"

Sandan shook his head: "What can be done then?! Unless you can become a party, this is impossible!"

Yun Chujiu didn't speak for a while, and then squinted his eyes: "It's not impossible. If the divine consciousness I separated becomes exactly the same as the divine consciousness of the invader, then it will be fine."

Sandan snorted: "Are you talking nonsense? Everyone's divine consciousness is fixed. Can you still be like me?"

Yun Chujiu had no words, she thought it was possible to do it.

Divine consciousness can be molded into everything. She has already touched a little doorway before. In order to convince Jiuzhi old man, she once turned her divine consciousness image into Jiuzhier.

It's just that this distance is a long way to go.

Wutou Shi Pai Yao was very anxious when she saw that she hadn't spoken all the time. Sandan urged: "What are you thinking? Give us the seeds of the Aoguo!"

Yun Chujiu was relieved now, she took out ten Aperture Fruit Seeds and distributed them to them, and then sat aside and continued to meditate.

Chiwu and the others listened to the clouds and mists, and when they saw Yun Chujiu Wuxin talking to them, they went to sleep.

Yun Chujiu pondered for a while, and then separated a ray of spiritual knowledge to penetrate into her ornate fruit seedling.

However, she was surprised to find that there was no dark shadow in her Ao Guomiao.

She thought she had read it wrong, but after searching carefully several times, she couldn't find the shadow.

She wondered, could it be that the shadow disappeared after germination?

In order to verify her guess, she tapped her divine sense into the fruit seedlings of Chi Wu and others.

At first glance, they found that there were not only dark shadows in their orifice fruit seedlings, but they were also much more solid than those found in the seeds before. In other words, the imprints of the gods were stronger than those in the seeds.

She plunged the divine sense into the pile again and found that there was no shadow inside.

Could it be that two divine consciousness imprints are superimposed on the Qiao Guomiao?

Then why is there no black shadow in her Qiao Guo Miao? Is it because pilings are not used?

It's not right, even if there is no imprint of the gods in the pile, the seed itself should have an imprint.

Yun Chujiu is really puzzled, but this is also a good thing, at least her Qiaoguo sprouts bear fruit, and she can eat with confidence.

It was already the middle of the night and sleepiness struck, she temporarily put her doubts behind her head and fell asleep soundly.

When he woke up the next morning, Chi Wu leaned forward and said, "Sister, what dark shadows and signs of divine consciousness did you talk about yesterday, why don't I understand?"

Qidong and others also gathered around, looking curious.

Yun Chujiu repeated his guess, and then said:

"In short, if you take the divine orifice opened by the orifice fruit, the divine consciousness will be planted in the divine consciousness without knowing it."

(End of this chapter)

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