Chapter 9757 Change of Color

The three Qidongs were angry and angry when they heard Qishen's words. Qibei pointed at Qishen and cursed:

"Are you sick? They are not spirit beasts raised by our Ten Thousand Beast Sect at all, but..."

Qibei originally wanted to say that they were Shi Pixiu, but remembering that Yun Chujiu didn't want to expose this matter, he suddenly got stuck.

Upon seeing this, Qi Shen thought that Qi Bei was a guilty conscience, and became more arrogant:

"What is it? Can't tell, right?

The previous Hongmeng Challenge relied on the colorful fantail skylark in the Ten Thousand Beast Banner, and now it has entered the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain and got the help of five spirit beasts. You who are exposed to the peak are really shameless!

After I go out, I will definitely report the matter to Sovereign Ming and let his elderly support justice. "

Qibei was very angry, but couldn't tell the truth, so he wanted to do it in a hurry.

At this moment, Yun Chujiu said slowly:

"You think too much. They are my spirit beasts and I brought them in.

In addition, I have to remind you that the memory will be erased after you go out, and you will not be able to sue even if you want to do nothing. "

When the Qidong trio heard it, yes, what's the truth to this fool? ! He didn't remember this when he went out left and right.

Qi Shen was a little bit ashamed and turned into anger: "Yours? Can a little pharmacist from the Buddha Prison have the ability to tame monsters? You really put gold on your face!"

"You care if I stick gold or silver. If I'm fine and leave, we don't welcome you." Yun Chujiu said impatiently.

Qi Shen still wanted to speak, Qi Jin winked at him, and then said to Yun Chujiu:

"We saw five heads of stone brave here before, but the five red dots suddenly disappeared just now, so I want to ask you where is the stone brave?"

Yun Chujiu pointed at the group basking in the sun: "Here, it's here!"

Before Qi Jin was so angry, Qi Shen said angrily: "Do you think we are stupid?! Can they be Shi Pixiu just like they are?

I think you are playing tricks on us on purpose, and quickly tell us where Shi Paixiu has gone, or you can blame us for being rude. "

Five-headed Shi Paixiu stared at Qishen fiercely. Although there is no way to retaliate for the time being, he is not afraid to settle the account, wait and see!

Yun Chujiu thought, since you don't believe the truth, don't blame me.

She showed a look of fear, and after a little hesitation, she pointed a direction with her finger:

"There are indeed five stone brave passing by here. I only vaguely heard them mention the Dishui Cliff. I don't know if I went there."

Qi Shen said fiercely: "What you said is true? Are you lying to us?"

Yun Chujiu shrugged his shoulders: "I said very clearly, and I only heard it vaguely. As for whether you have gone to Dishuiya, you can judge for yourself."

Qi Jin nodded: "Thank you for the reminder, goodbye!"

Qi Shen let go of two harsh words, and then followed Qi Jin and the others.

When they were far away, Chi Wu pouted and said: "A bunch of idiots, who are clearly telling the truth, they would rather believe in lies."

Yun Chujiu chuckled lightly: "People are always willing to believe what they are willing to believe."

While she was talking, she drove away the five stone brave. The reason why they were lying here just now was because Yun Chujiu asked them to help block the fruit seedling that blocked her, so as not to let Qishen and the others see the extra-junction branches.

Then she froze in place.

Because her fruit seedling

The stem is black, and the leaves are also black, just the same as the previous black paint color.

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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