Chapter 9741 Spring Water

Chi Wu moved forward while thinking, because the closer to the fire control ring, the higher the temperature.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yao sneered and pointed at Chi Wu and Fei Yi and said:

"You all bounce back to stay away from me, or you can blame me for being polite!"

Now Qi Wenhao and others are relying on Shu Yao's ten thousand years of fire, so no one said anything.

Chi Wu and the others had to step back a bit, shaking like quail in the cold wind.

Chi Wubei came from it, and as soon as the tears came out, she became... an ice slipper.

Chi Wu: "..."

Little sister, if you don't come back, your brother, I will become an ice sculpture!

At this moment, the rope moved!

At first, Chi Wu thought it was wind blowing, but seeing the rope stretched straight, he was ecstatic. It must be the little girl who is back!

He suddenly felt that it was not so cold anymore. He poke and glanced at Shu Yao and others in the distance, and his heart was cruel, telling you to bully me, and wait for my little sister to come back to make you look good!

He didn't say anything, the sky was freezing cold, and Shu Yao didn't pay attention to the movement of the rope.

He didn't even tell Qi Dong and the others, he just gave Fei Yi a look.

Fei Yi suddenly understood, and quietly approached the rope, lest anyone would move his hands or feet for a while.

After another half an hour, Yun Chujiu's little head poked out from under the cliff.

Fei Yi and Chi Wu hurriedly pulled her up.

At this time, other people heard the movement and all gathered around.

Seeing Yun Chujiu's safe return, Shu Yao bitterly said with a sneer: "Mei You, you won't come back empty-handed? What about spring water?"

Yun Chujiu stretched his waist, moved his limbs, and said:

"The spring water is naturally obtained, but it is so cold now that I am afraid it will freeze if taken out, and the effect will be bad if it affects.

Well, I can't run around either, and I will give it to everyone when the sun comes out tomorrow morning. "

Shu Yao sneered again and again: "Don't make excuses here, I don't think you got it."

Speaking of her, she released the Manchurian Flower and threatened: "If you don't take it out, I will kill you now!"

Yun Chujiu sighed and looked at other people: "What do you say?"

If it had been before, Qi Wenhao and others would definitely refute Shu Yao, but now they have to rely on Ten Thousand Years of Fire to save their lives, so they all agree.

"It doesn't matter if the spring water freezes, the big deal is that we can melt it before using it."

"Yeah, it was all right when I took it out, and it must be fine when I take it out now."

"It's better to divide first, lest the night has many dreams."


Yun Chujiu nodded: "Well, since you insist on dividing now, then I can only do it.

I got ten porcelain bottles of spring water in total. According to our prior agreement, the Thunder team had two bottles, the other teams had one bottle, and the remaining two bottles belonged to our rebound team. "

Yun Chujiu took out eight small porcelain bottles and gave them to everyone.

After everyone got their hands, they hurriedly opened the cork.

As soon as I opened it, I smelled a strange fragrance, and I saw a small porcelain bottle containing a green liquid.

The crowd's original suspicion was immediately dispelled, and the porcelain vase was carefully put away.

At this moment, Shu Yao sneered and said, "Mei You, now that the spring water business is over, it should be counted as the old account between us!"

Yun Chujiu blinked his eyes: "I have given you the spring water. Isn't that okay? You have to kill them all?"

She said and looked at Qi Wenhao and others: "Everyone, for the sake of me helping you get the spring water, please help us plead for mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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