Chapter 9739 Tofu dregs brother and sister

Just when Chi Wu was at a loss, someone shouted: "Wait! You can't cut it!"

Chi Wu turned his head in surprise, and saw that the speaker was Qi Wenhao, the captain of the Hurricanes team.

He wondered, why does Qi Wenhao want to help us speak?

Do they have friendship with Qidong?

The Qidong trio were also dumbfounded. This Qi Wenhao belonged to the Qingwu faction. He was a nodding acquaintance on weekdays. How could he suddenly help?

The faces of Shu Yao and others became extremely ugly, especially Du Gumu.

He woke up once when he fainted before, he vaguely saw Qi Wenhao, maybe they fainted also have his credit.

Murong Heng said coldly: "Brother Wen Hao, what can you advise?"

Seeing that Murongheng's tone was not right, Qi Wenhao suddenly felt like they knew what happened before? Know he gave them a hand?

He was heartbroken, knowing that everyone would have amnesia after going out from left to right, it was no big deal.

He smiled: "I can't talk about advice, just talk about my views.

Although your Thunder team and the rebound team have private grievances, it is definitely not the time to resolve the private grievances.

Mei You descended to the bottom of the dripping cliff to fetch the spring water, and it was stated in advance that once she fetched the spring water, she would share it with everyone.

I do not comment on her previous actions, but she has done this matter very unselfishly.

Yu Si, it would be too unjust to play the black hand at this time.

Yu Gong, none of us knows what's going on under Dripping Cliff. Finally, Mei You went down, maybe she could really get the spring water.

If we cut the rope, don't we shoot ourselves in the foot? !

Therefore, everyone of the Thunder team, I advise you not to act irrationally, lest you regret it. "

At this time, the captains of several other teams also echoed:

"Yes, let's put aside personal grievances at this time. After all, we entered the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain to open our minds. It is not too late to talk about something after we go out."

Even Xu Wanshang, the captain of the Storm Team, persuaded a few words euphemistically. The subtext is obvious. It is impossible to make people angry at this time. It is not too late to kill her after Mei You gets the spring water.

Shu Yao was half dead, but the situation forced him to give up the idea of ​​cutting the rope temporarily.

She looked at Chi Wu who was relieved: "Hand over our belongings, or you will be killed first!"

Chi Wu shuddered, and stammered: "But, but everything is with my little sister!

She, she said that she is the captain, everything is under her management, and will be distributed to us in a few days, I have not even got a spar now. "

The Qidong trio are not stupid, and they are the same.

Shu Yao was skeptical, but for a moment she sneered and said, "Then hand over your storage ring!"

Chi Wu few people: "..."

Should retribution come so soon? !

Of course the ring cannot be handed over, if it is handed over, it will be a meat bun and a dog.

Chi Wu was heartbroken, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't force me, if I get tough, I will even be afraid of myself!

Shu Yao contemptuously said: "That Mei You still has some tricks that can't make it to the stage, you are a trash, what else can you do?"

I saw Chi Wu showing a fierce look, carrying a rope in one hand and a dagger in the other: "If you force me, I will cut the rope and let my little sister fall to death!"

Everyone: "..."

I thought it was a touching brother-sister relationship, but I didn't expect it to be... the tofu dregs brother and sister!

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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