Chapter 9709 Bad Ideas

Shu Yao was in a good mood. As long as he played normally, their Thunder team would be the first.

As for the rebound squad next to it, it was properly the last one.

She glanced at Yun Chujiu from the corner of her eye. Luck is only temporary, and only strength is eternal.

Yun Chujiu didn't receive her contemptuous eyes at all, this guy suddenly thought of a...bad idea.

Earlier, Er Gouzi gave her an idea to let the dog's tail smell to attract the fish to the bait, but she rejected it.

Because she was afraid of attracting too many monsters, causing unnecessary trouble.

But just now, there was a sudden movement in her heart. She could make the dog's tail grass emit a faint smell. In this way, the fish and monsters that are far away will not be affected, but will only attract... the fish around you who are going to be hooked by others. .

This kind of self-interested thing is simply too cost-effective!

After making up her mind, she got up and stretched, then sat down in the original position confidently, staring at the fish mark.

Many people are paying attention to her, and seeing her like this, they all cast their eyes on her.

Yun Chujiu didn't care, and with his divine sense, he told the dog's tail grass: "Remember, I only want to attract the fish that are about to be hooked here, so you only need to give off a little taste."

Yun Chujiu was afraid that the dog's tail would mess things up, and added:

"It's related to how long we can stay in Hongmeng Sacred Mountain. If you stay longer, the more herbs you can eat, you can figure it out!"

Not to mention, what Yun Chujiu said later was on the heart of the dog's tail grass, and it began to scent carefully.

It is afraid of excessive smell, so it only emits a drop of a drop.

Shu Yao next to Yun Chujiu stared at her fishing rod intently, because the bait was transformed by divine consciousness, so she could vaguely perceive the movement below.

Realizing that another fish was swimming around the bait, I couldn't help but feel happy, as long as she worked harder, the fish would be hooked!

However, the next moment, the fish swam away.

Shu Yao frowned. Although it was a pity, she didn't take it too seriously.

The fish in the underground river are very cunning, and they usually try several times before they get the bait.

The next moment, from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Yun Chujiu next to her pulling the fishing line, and a golden fish hung on the hook.

She frowned more tightly!

Xin said, there is no bait on the hook of this waste, how can you catch fish?

It is estimated that the fish is also blind!

But it doesn't matter. Don't say that she catches one, that is, three or five more. Their team is also the last one.

Having said that, she still strengthened a little bit of consciousness, and wanted to hurry up and catch a few more fish.

After a while, another fish caught the hook.

She was proud of it, and she really had to rely on her strength to speak in the end!

However, the next moment, the fish slipped away again.

Immediately afterwards, the fish hook of Yun Chujiu next to him was raised high, and there was a big golden fat fish hanging on it.

Shu Yao suddenly thought, this fish is not the fish that just touched the hook, right?

However, she quickly denied the opposite.

Unless the fish is a stupid, why else give up the hook with the bait and bite the empty hook instead?

When she was thinking about it, Yun Chujiu caught another fish, no, two fish.

The fish in the front was caught because of the hook, and the fish in the back was caught by the tail of the fish in front.

The crowd onlookers: "..."

Continue tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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