Chapter 9701 is indeed different

Seeing Yun Chujiu in the north, Qibei wanted to speak, and said first: "Since there are records, there have been eight records of the divine orifice opened by entering the Hongmeng Holy Mountain.

Do you know what the eight pieces represent? "

Yun Chujiu is weak and weak: "It is eight more than before, what else can it represent?"

Qibei: "..."

He grabbed his neck and yelled: "This represents a huge improvement in your cultivation level, and it saves decades or even hundreds of years of cultivation time!

In particular, some people have been stuck on the bottleneck, let alone the eight divine orifices, even if one more divine orifice is opened, it is a great opportunity! "

Yun Chujiu was yelled and nodded again and again, but thought in her heart, eight divine orifices are really not too many, after all, even a lie can't be completed, but she told others that she had nine divine orifices.

Well, ten tricks opened up nine tricks.

She thought again, people shouldn't be too greedy, she hasn't activated a divine orifice now, even if she enters in, opening a divine orifice is a huge gain!

Thinking of this, the smile on her face became a little sincere.

"Brother Qibei, it's because I don't know anything about it. Listening to you, this is indeed a great thing!"

Qibei's expression eased after hearing her say this.

Yun Chujiu asked again: "Then what, I want to ask, why can I open my divine orifice when I enter the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain? Is it because the chaos inside is rich or there are some treasures of heaven and earth?"

Qibei shook his head: "Every time people enter the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain, they will lose the memory of entering, so no one knows what happened inside.

No one knows why the divine aperture will be opened after entering the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain. "

Yun Chujiu didn't expect such an answer, and blinked his eyes and said:

"I'm saying something that shouldn't be said. Isn't it possible that no one uses magic techniques such as soul-searching on those who enter?"

"Of course there is! However, the caster has either become a lunatic or a fool. It is estimated that the person who enters has been restricted from the spiritual sense, so no one will touch this mold afterwards." Qi Bei said.

Yun Chujiu said in his heart that this sacred mountain of Hongmeng was quite mysterious, and he didn't know what was going on inside.

She still wanted to ask a few more questions. Elder Mei called the Qidong three to the study, and she had to go back to her room.

She just took out the Hongmeng Sacred Stone and frowned slightly when Fei Yi and Chi Wu arrived.

After Chi Wupidianpidian came in, he smiled and said:

"Little sister, I can say that I have thoroughly experienced a sentence today. Birds fly with Luan and phoenixes, and people are good and proud. Follow you!

Even in my dreams, I never expected to enter the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain this time. You are such a lucky star! "

Although Fei Yi didn't say anything, his face was full of excitement.

Yun Chujiu humbled a few words without any sincerity, and then asked Fei Yi and Chi Wu to take out the Hongmeng Sacred Stone. She wanted to compare the three Hongmeng Sacred Stones together.

Chi Wu murmured: "What's the contrast?! I think it's all gray and sudden, it's no different... right?"

The reason why he turned into an interrogative sentence afterwards was because after he took out the Hongmeng Sacred Stone, he found that the Hongmeng Sacred Stone in Yun Chujiu's hand was indeed different.

Although it was all gray and sudden, the color of the sacred stone in Yun Chujiu's hand seemed darker.

No, it's either like it or the color is darker.

It's strange, it's all the same color before!

Yun Chujiu squinted her eyes. She discovered this just now, so Fei Yi and Chi Wu were asked to compare the Hongmeng Sacred Stone.

At this moment, the color of the sacred stone in her hand darkened again.

An hour later, the Hongmeng sacred stone in Yun Chujiu's hand had turned into... a black paint color.

Continue tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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