Chapter 9677 owes curse

All the people in the audience were sweaty and sweaty. My heart said, "Sister, little girl, should you say that you are lucky or bad?"

Why is there a teleportation array where you stand in such a big venue?

The most important thing is that even if I believe you, no one else will believe it!

What should we do now?

But it is really exhausted. Once we are settled on the ill-intentioned crime, plus the previous crimes, our three lives will be over.

Unfortunately, he had no choice but to stare at Yun Chujiu on the stage eagerly, hoping that she could come up with a countermeasure.

Yun Chujiu is also anxious, now unless she can pass back to the position where she stood before, otherwise she can't tell with her mouth.

The sad thing is that neither she nor the soul-refining fire marrow was transmitted over in a daze, and they didn't know how to trigger it.

She had been tossing for a long time just now, and she didn't understand.

I don't know which wicked person made this teleportation array, but it has made her suffer!

Seeing Yun Chujiu's silence, Hall Master Xia suddenly thought she was a guilty conscience, and shouted sharply:

"Come here, put her and two other accomplices in custody pending trial."

He gave an order, and immediately a guard came to the stage to detain Yun Chujiu.

At the same time, there are also guards rushing towards Fei Yi and Chi Wu

Chi Wu's head buzzed, it's over! This time is really over!

When the guards were only one foot away from Yun Chujiu, Yun Chujiu disappeared in a swish.

Then, she appeared in the spot where she was watching the excitement.

Everyone fry the pan immediately!

"Oh my God, it seems there is a teleportation formation! When was this built? Who built it?"

"Several worlds of Ten Thousand Magic Festivals have been held here, and no one has discovered that there is a teleportation formation here. How did Mei You discover it?"

"Did she stop telling it? It was a mistake. I don't seem to be lying.

Otherwise, is it good to hide it, why show it? "


As the person involved, Yun Chujiu was still confused.

When the guards came over just now, she was so anxious that she scolded the people who built the teleportation array with a dog-blood spray, and said that if she was not allowed to teleport over, she would...dig a grave.

Then... she teleported over.

Is it curse?

Hall Master Xia on the stage was also shocked, there really was a teleportation array?

He didn't doubt that there was anything tricky this time. After all, it was something that happened under his eyelids, because at the moment Yun Chujiu disappeared just now, he noticed the slight fluctuations of chaos.

But, why so many years have passed, only she can trigger the teleportation array? What is the key to triggering?

In fact, not only Hall Master Xia was concerned about this issue, but everyone present was concerned about this issue.

"Mei You, you can pass it to the stage again!" Hall Master Xia said.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She just came back purely by "swearing", is she scolding again?

She is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and insidiously cursed with her spiritual sense: "Hurry up and let me go back to the stage, or I will never end with you!"

Just after scolding, she reappeared on the stage.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

It turns out to be so good?

The problem is that she didn't scold her, but she scolded with her spiritual sense. How did she perceive that thing?

When she was defamating, Hall Master Xia asked: "Mei You, how did you trigger the teleportation formation?"

Yun Chujiu said in his heart, if I tell you to scold it, do you believe it?

Of course she wouldn't tell the truth. Seeing the sacred mountain of Hongmeng surrounded by mist, she decided to be a...sacred stick.

[I will update a chapter today and tomorrow. There will be a lot of things in this period of time, but occasionally there will be less updates, sorry. ]

I will update a chapter today and tomorrow. There will be a lot of things in this period of time, but occasionally there will be less updates. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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