Chapter 9623 is really a big family

In the end, Chi Wu and Fei Yi sat down next to Yun Chujiu.

If it were not for Yun Chujiu's strong opposition, Chi Wu would definitely tie herself to her. Only in this way would he feel safe.

Not to mention anything else, if you fall, you can at least get into the cocoon, lest you be thrown to death.

Yun Chujiu felt that his worries were purely superfluous. For so many years, the Swift-winged Golden Peng had not had any accidents. It was an example of Yunwu Singfly.

Those cloud moths have turned into cocoons, what's to worry about? !

What's more, the back of Swift Wing Jinpeng is several miles in radius, as long as you are careful, it is impossible to fall.

Sanshen was afraid of saying anything to annoy Jiwing Jinpeng, so he didn't say anything tacitly.

As time went by, Chi Wu and Fei Yi gradually relaxed, and Yun Chujiu lay on Erlang's legs and read the script.

Yun Chujiu thinks it's good to get a fast-winged Jinpeng as a mount, not to mention anything else, it's really spacious!

However, she quickly gave up the idea. This gadget is so big, it must eat a lot. She can't afford it, so it's better to make it smaller.

When she was thinking about it, Chi Wu pointed to the front.

Yun Chujiu looked in the direction of his fingers, and there was a demon bird flying towards the east, and there seemed to be two people sitting on it.

When I got closer, I found that it was a psychedelic bird resembling a white crane with two young people sitting on it, a man and a woman.

The White Crane seemed to be very afraid of the Swift-winged Jinpeng, and it was about a few hundred feet away from the Swift-winged Jinpeng, so he didn't dare to come closer.

A man and a woman sitting on top of the white crane talked a few words in a low voice, then the man held his fists at Yun Chujiu and said:

"Three, meeting is fate, I don't know if you can get to know each other?

Chi Jidong in the Lower Qianfeng Sect, this is my junior sister Song Lian'er. "

Chi Wu said in a very low voice: "Thousand Peaks Sect is a middle-class sect with average strength."

After Yun Chujiu knew it, he said lightly: "The three of us come from Dan League."

She only said this sentence and did not sign up for a surname.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi didn't have any expressions on their faces, but they thought in their hearts that the little girl can really pull a tiger's skin.

However, it is not a problem to say that, anyway, Yaolu belongs to the Dan League, and they are naturally members of the Dan League.

Although Yun Chujiu didn't announce his first name and last name, Chi Jidong and Song Lian'er were not dissatisfied at all. They turned out to be members of the Dan League!

It is estimated that their status in the Dan League is not low. Depending on their age, it is estimated that their grandfathers are high-level members of the Dan League, otherwise there would be no mounts like the Swift Wing Jinpeng.

The Ten Thousand Beast Sect does have Swift Wing Jinpeng, but they are all used for flying boats to carry passengers and are not sold at all.

This fast-winged Jinpeng must have been domesticated by their elders, and it is really a big family.

Chi Jidong smiled all over his face: "It turned out to be the three friends of the Dan League, are you going to participate in the Wanfa Gala?"

Yun Chujiu nodded faintly: "Well, we have to go over and do business."

Where did Chi Jidong know that these three were going to be helpers, and thought they were invited guests, and their attitude became more and more flattering.

He was about to please a few more words, but the Swift-winged Jinpeng became impatient, flapped its wings a few times, and directly fanned the white crane...turned over.

Yun Chujiu and the others only heard the screams of Chi Jidong and Song Lian'er. When they wanted to see what happened, Jiji Jinpeng had already speeded up and saw nothing.

In this regard, Yun Chujiu had only one thought.

It's better to raise a big monster bird. Although you eat a lot, it's... steady!

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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