Chapter 9617 Key

After drinking the tea, the man from Wan Beast Sect saw that Yun Chujiu hadn't moved yet, and urged: "What are you still rubbing with?! Why don't you get out the gourd quickly!"

Yun Chujiu smiled, and then took out a big gourd.

The person was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to pick it up. Suddenly, the sky whirled around, and before he had time to say anything, he was bleeding to death.

Chi Wu stepped forward and sniffed. After confirming that he was dead, he pulled off the storage ring, and then plunged his divine sense into it.

After a while, he smiled and took out a bunch of keys: "Sister, you are really right! This must be the key to the chain."

Yun Chujiu collected the teacup that the man had drunk and his corpse, and then he and Chi Wu cautiously left the secret door.

The entrance to the bottom compartment is near the hatch, which is convenient for them to do.

The three of them walked down the gangway, and did not meet anyone else.

This was also in their expectations, because they had observed before that there was only one disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect on the flying boat.

Speaking of which, it was also the support of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. He felt that there was a Swift Wing Jinpeng, and no one dared to make trouble.

There is another reason. There are fewer people on this route, and so many people are not needed.

After the three of them arrived in the bottom compartment, they saw eight huge chains, each with a giant lock.

Both the giant lock and the key had numbers on them, so the three of them opened the chain without any effort.

"Sister, although the chain is opened, you have to find a way to turn the Swiftwing Jinpeng sideways. It is best to turn it over so that the flying boat can fall." Fei Yi said.

Yun Chujiu looked around, saw a porthole, and said: "After a while, I pretended to be the voice of the person from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and called that the Yunwu Moore is coming again, so you can use a needle to pierce the Golden Peng.

It will be panicked, and when I let it turn over to avoid it, it will definitely do it subconsciously.

However, we should move faster when the time comes. Before the flying boat falls, we will get into the cocoon. "

After Chi Wu agreed, he said: "It's just that my needle is unusual, otherwise ordinary needles won't penetrate the skin of Jinpeng."

Fei Yi glared at him: "When is this, let's not talk about it!"

Chi Wu shrank his neck and stopped humming.

The three of them walked to the porthole and pushed open the porthole. Chi Wu leaned out half of his body, holding a large handful of Jinpeng aimed at the fast-winged Jinpeng and slammed it.

At the same time, Yun Chujiu's voice disguised as the Ten Thousand Beast Sect shouted in panic: "It's not good! The Yunwu Singfly is here again!

Turn over! It's all on your back! "

The Swift-winged Jinpeng was scared by the cloud-mist moth, and Yun Chujiu's disguise was still the voice of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. It turned over without any hesitation.

The chain had been unfastened by Yun Chujiu, and the flying boat was heavy again, so almost as soon as it turned over, the flying boat fell off its back and fell towards the ground.

The Swiftwing Jinpeng did not expect this change to happen, it could actually dive down to catch the flying boat, but it hesitated.

The cloud-mist moth on its back should be a small part. If it stops, there may be a large number of cloud-mist moth catching up, so it can’t stop.

In the end, between life-saving and responsibility, it chose life-saving.

However, after flying out for a certain distance, it didn't feel the bite anymore. It looked back and wanted to see if the cloud moths didn't chase it.

As a result, I saw a large white cocoon slowly falling.

(End of this chapter)

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