Chapter 958 Changfeng Inn

"Let's go to the innocent city in front to go to the accommodation, take a rest, I will send a letter to the dark wind, let him help us inquire about the registration and admission test." Yunchu said with a smile.

The three people of Fengming saw the smile of the beginning of the cloud, and they felt calm in their innocence. They nodded and the four went to the innocent city in the direction indicated by the old man.

At the beginning of the cloud, the simple and dark winds said things, and the dark wind quickly passed the letter: "Miss Jiu, the next night, I can rush to Wudi City, you go to the Changfeng Inn in Wudi City, that It is an industry that I have respected. I have already arranged it. When you get there, you will arrange your accommodation.

The beginning of the cloud is very satisfied with the work efficiency of the dark wind. It is no wonder that the white face is like the gold. It is the kind of sensible person who used it. She can have such a few men at the time. It is really worry-free.

After half an hour, the four people saw a magnificent city. The three big characters on the city gate were powerful and powerful. When the cloud began to feel familiar, how did it feel like a small white face? !

Four people followed the people into the city, looking for someone to inquire, Changfeng Inn is the largest inn in Wudi City, just in the most central location of Wudi City, it is very eye-catching.

However, the person reminded: "Now it is the season of the entrance examination of Tianyuan College, so the inn in the innocent city is full, Changfeng Inn is a symbol of identity, but it was booked early, you are afraid to go white too. ""

The man still has a word that he didn't say. If you look at it like this, there is no background. How can you live in Changfeng Inn? !

I didn’t know what I was doing at the beginning of the cloud. After thanking me, I went to Changfeng Inn with Fengming three people.

The Changfeng Inn was very easy to find. The four people at the beginning of the cloud soon saw a three-storey inn. At first glance, it was much higher than the surrounding buildings. The Lord's wife is very good, is this the hand of the lady of the temple?

At the beginning of the cloud, the four people just walked to the door of Changfeng Inn and met the people who met at the edge of the desert. One of the men sneered out: "Cow, you don't want to live in Changfeng Inn? Cut! It’s really self-reliant! Do you know how many Lingshi’s cheapest rooms in Changfeng Inn are one night?”

At the beginning of the cloud, it seems that he did not hear the contempt in his words. He asked faintly: "How many Lingshi nights?"

The man snorted: "The cheapest room has ten pieces of top grade stone for one night. Can you afford it?!"

"Oh!" Yun Yunyi said, after lifting his legs, he went inside.

Oh? What does oh mean?

The man stretched his arm and stopped the way to the beginning of the cloud: "What are you? Do you have a stone? Then again, the room inside is now full, you have money and no identity."

"That is, do you think that this Changfeng Inn can live? This is the industry of Changsheng Hall, and people who have no face are not qualified to live in."

The beginning of the cloud is secretly from the heart, this Changfeng Inn is really the style of the lady of the temple, watching people eat dishes!

"Pisces brother, maybe they have no money on them, this is to prepare for odd jobs here! This little girl helps the guests to pour water, what is good! You let them go, let them go in!" A young man does not care Kindly, I swept a few eyes on the face of the cloud. Although this little girl didn’t open long, the skin and facial features were very delicate.

(End of this chapter)

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