Chapter 9468 Kneeling White

Yun Chujiu smiled and said: "Of course I don't want to give up, but the old cold leg has committed this few days and I can't kneel.

I think, the name of the ancestor of Wanlu is definitely open-minded. It is not the kind of small-bellied chicken intestines. Shouldn’t I be less than my knees? "

Old man: "..."

If you are not allowed to go in, it means that the ancestor of Wanluo is a chicken with small belly.

The old man's eyes flashed: "You are not unreasonable, but you can only enter through the corner door without kneeling, and they can enter through the main door."

Yun Chujiu said indifferently: "Which door is the same, but if the corner door is too narrow, then I can only expand the door myself."

The old man's nose was almost crooked!

Expand the door yourself?

Thanks to you!

Do not know what came to mind, the old man said with a cold face: "Forget it, the ancestor of Wanlu is not a person who is stubborn and secular, you should also enter through the main entrance!"

Chi Wu and others: "..."

Dare to kneel down?

Chi Wu regrets this, knowing that he won't kneel!

Although his face is worthless, the taste of kneeling is uncomfortable.

After everyone got up, the black giant door opened slowly.

At the moment of opening, there seemed to be a melody of music.

Although it is not clear, it gives people a sense of quaintness.

Yun Chujiu said that this ancestor of ten thousand furnaces does not seem to be bragging, it really looks like something.

After a while, the black giant door opened completely, but it was foggy inside, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly.

The old man said lightly: "You can go in."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't dare to advance.

At this time, Fei Yi stepped out and stepped in.

When others saw it, this followed.

Before Yunchujiu went in, he turned his head to the old man and sang Xiaobaiya: "See you soon, you!"

Old man: "..."

When Yun Chujiu entered, he heard the sound of people inhaling.

She could not help but stunned when she fixed her eyes.

At this time, they seemed to be in a huge alchemy furnace, and all the carvings on the furnace walls were Danfang, densely packed, at least hundreds of thousands.

Xu Yu, the three people except Yun Chujiu began to take out pens and papers to pick up those Danfang.

These are priceless treasures!

Just take one out, and that will ensure that you will have no worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life.

What's more, there are so many Danfangs in it. After taking it out, even if you can't become a pharmacist, you can get a reward from the Lord.

Fei Yi did not excerpt Danfang, but looked at those Danfang obsessively, as if looking at rare treasures.

His obsession is different from the other three.

Those three are obsessed with the value that Danfang can bring, while Fei Yi is obsessed with Danfang itself.

Chi Wu kept sighing there: "It's too good! It's amazing! It's amazing! It's incredible..."

Yun Chujiu didn't particularly care about these recipes. She had dogtail grass and it wasn't difficult to get recipes.

She looked around, and she didn't think that letting them in was just as simple as seeing Danfang, and it must have been a mess.

At this moment, she heard Chi Wu's exclamation.

"Fine, fine!"

Yun Chujiu looked in the direction of Chi Wu's fingers, and saw that the top Danfang actually fell off the furnace wall.

The text on the Danfang gradually transformed into the shape of an alchemy furnace, falling down below.

(End of this chapter)

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