Chapter 9465 Chi Wu is back

Fei Yi developed two Dans. He saw Yun Chujiu's sleepy eyes and then recalled her three days' behavior, and decided to give her the second Danfang.

He had already written Dan Fang on the note in advance, just find a chance to give her.

"Little girl, I think you have been taking the medicine for a few days, let's eat a bun!"

Of course, the bun delivery is fake, and the note is true.

He believed that Yun Chujiu's cleverness could guess what he meant. Yun Chujiu had time to speak in the future, and suddenly he heard a thump.

Looking closer, isn't this the tent Mei Yu gave Chi Wu? !

Why did it suddenly appear?

Fei Yi and Yun Chuji quickly pulled the tent apart, and then saw a person lying on the ground with four forks and eight forks, and a wooden barrel was buckled on his head.

Seeing clothing and body shape should be Chiwu, just motionless, do not know whether it is alive or dead.

Fei Yi quickly removed the barrel and was stunned!

Chi Wu's head was swollen like a pig's head, and his two eyes were beaten into black eyes.

He was about to sniff his nose, and Chi Wu's eyes opened a crack.

The eyes were swollen like that, and it was already nice to show a slit.

He saw Fei Yi and Yun Chujiu crying out suddenly!

"Brother, sister, woo, I'm too miserable! I've been abused by inhumans! If it's not for you, I'm going to die!"

Yun Chujiu looked at Chi Wu's funny look and almost laughed out loud, but in order not to capsize the affectionate boat, he had to hold back.

"Second brother, let's talk about this later. There is less than half an hour left until the end of the assessment. You first eat a bun to suppress the surprise, and then quickly study the recipe."

Yun Chujiu said that the bun that Fei Yi gave her was packed into Chi Wu's hand with a small note.

Chi Wuji was very shrewd when he was savvy. He immediately understood Yun Chujiu’s intention and immediately said:

"Little girl, you really understand me! I'm really starving! Oops, I'm a little cold. Cover me with a tent."

This cold is fake, just to peek at small notes.

Yun Chujiu realized that he immediately covered him with a tent.

Fei Yi gave her a worried look, the meaning in her eyes was obvious, you gave Dan Wu Chiwu, what should you do?

Yun Chujiu gave him a reassuring look. She now cares more about where Chi Wu went in the past few days, how he solved the latrine problem, and who beat him into this bear-like pattern?

After a while, Chi Wu crawled out from under the tent.

There is no way, he has a bad memory, and he has to remember Danfang well, otherwise it will be difficult to handle when he is evaluated later.

As soon as he got out, the old man appeared.

The old man smiled: "The deadline has expired, I wonder if you have developed the Danfang?"

Waiting for someone to answer, he said again: "Danfang's success depends on the refined elixir, so give you half an hour to refine the elixir you have developed!"

Chi Wu almost cried out!

He did remember Danfang, but he didn't recognize the fifteen herbs!

Knowing this before, he would not waste time eating grilled meat and black meat!

What can I do now?

When he was worried, he saw Yun Chujiu next to him take out the pen and paper and put a small label on the operating table.

Then put the corresponding herbs below.

Chi Wu's tears suddenly fell!

Dear sister!

This is definitely his half-sister who has been separated for many years!

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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