Chapter 9447 Reminder

Chi Wu dumbfounded!

Two of the three brothers and sisters left, and now he is the only one left in the fire pit.

Although he is confident to be a medicine waiter, but after seeing Yun Chujiu's ability, he feels that he still has the backbone of staying next to the little girl.

So, bravely, he said cheeky:

"Waiting pharmacist, will you also accept me? I have no skills, but I can endure hardships. I will leave you with all the dirty work. I promise to do it beautifully."

The waiting pharmacist glanced at him and nodded, "Alright, I have two pharmacy places on the left and right, so come and serve me!"

Chi Wu suddenly expressed gratitude, but did not expect this waiting pharmacist to talk very well.

In the process, Hei Ge did not say a word, but just watched with a light smile on the side.

At this time, it was only said: "Since the waiting pharmacist has selected them, after going back and going through the formalities, they can go to your Yaoliao."

The waiting pharmacist gave a faint hum, and then said, "I have other things to do, they will give it to you first."

After Hei Ge claimed that, the waiting pharmacist left.

Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu thought Hege would question them again, but he didn't expect Hege to just let them follow her down the mountain and didn't say anything.

After returning to Yaolu in the evening, because it was getting late, Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu did not complete the formalities and had to stay one more night.

The news that the two of them had been accepted as pharmacists by the waiting pharmacist has spread, so the others are envious and jealous.

It's just that I don't dare to know what to do. After all, Yunchujiu and Chiwu are already real medicine aides.

Fei Yi found an opportunity to tell Chi Wu: "He is very likely to hide mischief from you, you must be careful, if there is any difficulty to come to me."

Chi Wu promised, but he didn't take it seriously. The little girl was a hidden big brother. If the waiting pharmacist dare to twist his mind, wait for the deflation!

The little girl is not a general cruelty, even the Dementor is not her opponent, don't say a bad old man!

Early the next morning, someone sent Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu to Qihuang Palace.

Qihuanggong is a place where pharmacists live separately, and it is divided into several Yaoliao.

After completing the formalities, Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu received an identity token, two sets of clothing, and some daily necessities.

A person in charge said sharply: "Unless there is a pharmacist's order, you can only operate in the public area of ​​the waiting pharmacist's Yaoliao and Qihuang Palace. If you dare to violate, you will be at your own risk."

Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu naturally dare not say anything, and can only nod and say yes.

The dispatcher took Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu to the Yaoliao of the waiting pharmacist.

Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu found that the man who led the way seemed very dissatisfied with them. The eyes are not the eyes, the nose is not the nose.

It is estimated that if it is not a fear of pharmacists, it is probably already in trouble.

After walking for a while, the man sneered from his nose: "Doo Zhan's idiot in Magpie's Nest, I hope you can live for three months."

Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu were both startled. The two of them deliberately inquired, and when they saw the man's complexion, they swallowed back with interest.

After a while, I came to a medicine squad.

The man knocked on the knocker, and the voice of the waiting pharmacist came.

The man was busy and respectful and said, "Waiting for the pharmacist, the two pharmacies you asked for were delivered to you."

"You just step back and let them come in on their own." The waiting pharmacist said lightly.

Continue at ten.

(End of this chapter)

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