Chapter 9434 is at home with peace

Yun Chujiu actually saw the cunning flash in the demented bird's eyes. She thought what killer this guy was going to use. When she was about to give it a sword, she discovered that this guy was attacking with consciousness.

This is just the beginning of Yunjiu's thoughts. Originally, she didn't kill the Dementor Bird just to let it attack her several times with supernatural power to help her get rid of it.

The demented bird saw Yun Chujiu was so stupid, he didn't hide, his heart suddenly ecstatic, haha, this smelly girl is going to be unlucky!

Huh, at first glance it is an inexperienced Huangmao girl, knowing that it is good at attacking the consciousness, but it does not imprison its consciousness, it is really stupid!

However, this smelly girl's consciousness seems to be a bit evil, otherwise it will not persist for such a long time, so it has some bottom in her heart, I don't know if this one-strike blow has any effect.

When it was uncomfortable, she saw Yun Chujiu's expression a bit dull, and she was very happy!

Haha, the stinky girl got a shot! Become a fool!

It suddenly came to the spirit. Although the consciousness was exhausted, it was a piece of cake to deal with a fool and a waste!

It sneaked back one step, avoiding Yun Chujiu's broken sword on his neck, and then stretched out his strong right claw to kick Yunchu Jiu.

The scene that will appear for a while has emerged in its mind, and the smelly girl will be bubbled by it and choked.

Just when its right paw was about to touch Yun Chujiu, Yun Chujiu flashed lightly to the side, avoiding it.

The Dementor was too hard and came directly... to split.

The Dementor Bird has never been so embarrassed in its life. It was shocked and annoyed. It just wanted to withdraw its right claw, but it was pressed with a sword and a broken sword.

"Move again and cut your leg!"

The Dementor does not dare to move anymore. It does not want to jump on one leg in the future.

Yun Chujiu beckoned to Chi Wu: "Second brother, come and watch it, I will meditate."

Chi Wu is silly!

Before Yun Chujiu was screamed repeatedly by the dementors, he inexplicably felt that Yun Chujiu was acting, and for a moment he thought Yun Chujiu was a pig and a tiger.

However, this speculation was later rejected because Yun Chujiu behaved the same way when he was punished by the sky before.

However, what happened later was completely beyond his imagination.

The Dementor Bird was actually stupid. He gave up the consciousness attack, used brute force and Yunchujiu to deal with it, and was caught...

Then, he found that Yun Chujiu did not have the consciousness of imprisoning the dementors, and he felt bad immediately. Unfortunately, he still had to remind him in the future that the dementors had already launched an attack.

His heart sank, and it was over!

He wanted to save, but he was too far away from here.

But he still jumped over here, and as soon as he jumped out twice, he saw the dementor performing a split.

Now, why should he be called to watch the Dementor?

He had never dreamed of having a day to watch the dementor!

He was excited and nervous: "Little, little girl, you first imprisoned its consciousness, and then I will go over again."

Yun Chujiu said, "If I would imprison the consciousness and let you come over?" !

She said lightly: "Relax, this stupid bird doesn't dare to deal with you. Moreover, it is now the end of a crossbow, even if you want to move your mind, you don't have the ability."

The Dementor felt that he was insulted, but after looking at the broken sword on his leg, he decided... to value peace.

(End of this chapter)

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