Chapter 941 Lei Zong Drug Shop

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and the spirit of the three people of Fengming has soared. At this time, it has reached the peak of the Eight Emperors.

At the beginning of the cloud, it took less than a month, and the four people could fly up. Some things should be arranged.

At the beginning of the cloud, these days, a lot of medicinal herbs were refining in the yard. I decided to go to Linghua City, and I met the cheap grandfather. I arranged for Lei Zong.

Yunchu first came to the Leizong pharmacy, and there were long queues outside the pharmacy. This is because the first few clouds let Yu Hai implement hunger marketing. They only sell to the top 100 customers every day, and each medicinal drug has Quantitative restrictions.

People are like this, the more you can't buy, the more you want to buy, not to mention the fact that the medicinal herbs sold by Leizong Pharmacy are not top grades or super products. After eating, there is no toxin deposit in the body, and it is worthwhile.

Everyone saw the beginning of the cloud, and they greeted each other. Now the story of the beginning of the cloud has spread throughout the Qingxuan continent, and everyone is respectful to her.

However, they did not know that Yunchu was the owner of this Leizong pharmacy. They only thought that there was a relationship between Linghuazong and Leizong. The heart said that it is no wonder that Leizong pharmacy has so many high-ranking medicinal herbs. Linghuazong has a connection.

After the cloud broke into the back of the pharmacy, Yu Hai and others were busy going to see the ceremony. At the beginning of the cloud, he waved his hand and made a few big jars of medicinal herbs: "These medicinal herbs are kept, and when the time is ripe, you can open several branches. ""

When Yu Hai people saw a few big pots of medicinal herbs on the ground, they almost scared them to the ground. My God, before seeing the lords using potted medicinal herbs, was scary enough. I didn’t expect this time to use cylinders. It’s amazing!

"Now the reputation of Leizong pharmacy has started. You have to start recruiting some alchemists and use them to sell some ordinary medicinal herbs, so that if I am unable to supply medicinal herbs after I am flying in the future, you can also maintain business. Understand?"

Yu Hai nodded and said: "Song, how long have you been flying up to Tianyuan?"

"A month or so, when Tianyuan College is on holiday, I will come back to give you the medicine." This is so confident, she never thought about how she would not be admitted to Tianyuan College.

"After the business is on track, you can start the business of Kaishan. I have said hello to Xuanyuan’s head. Afterwards, you have to ask for help from Linghuazong."

After Yu Hai and others nodded and promised, Yunchu had some things to do before leaving the Leizong drugstore to Yunfu.

"Grandfather! Grandfather! Xiaojiu is coming to see you! Have you thought about me?" Yunchu rushed into Yunxiaotian's study.

Yun Xiaotian couldn't help but smile when he saw the cloud in the room. "It's all a big girl, why is it so unstable?"

Although Yun Xiaotian said that he was swearing, but in his tone, he was a favorite. Xiaoqi’s singular waste from a singularity has now become a hero of the Qingxuan mainland. It really makes him feel very comfortable.

"Grandfather, I am a few hundred years old in front of you. It is also a little girl. Hey, grandfather, is the medicine I took for you last time? Is it good? I see that your spiritual power has increased a lot!" The first smile said.

Yun Xiaotian smiled and nodded: "Yes, I thought I couldn't go to the spirit level in my life. I didn't expect to take the medicine you took. It really broke through. It seems that I am a breakthrough in the spirit!" ”

(End of this chapter)

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