Chapter 9391

In order to compete for the ranking, the dark clouds even began to push each other in the air.

Uncle Wu was the worst. Although it fell first, its repair was low, and was quickly caught up by Uncle Five, and then shoved to the side.

It didn't respond yet, and other dark clouds came over and pulled it aside.

Soon, it was pushed to the periphery.

Uncle Wu was still a bit hesitant and guilty, but was completely replaced by anger at this time.

What it said is very clear, most of the cloud wings of Xiao Poyun were taken from it. What's wrong with taking it back first?

These clouds are clearly intended to take advantage of the fire and did not take into account the companionship.

If so, then blame it for being cruel.

After it made up its mind, it roared repeatedly:

"You guys, you are too much! Those are all my wings, are you planning to take advantage of it?!

Do you have only interests in your eyes? ! "

Those dark clouds are as if they weren't heard. What is your cloud wing? Has it grown on your cloud core?

It's stupid to rely on you, you are not able to bear yourself! Deserve it!

Instead, Uncle Six, who had a good relationship with Uncle Five, persuaded: "Uncle Five, forget it, you can't grab them, don't hurt the harmony, and slowly cultivate it later."

Uncle Wu said angrily: "I just don't be annoyed. They used to slap me against horses in the past. I wish I could recognize me as a Lao Tzu, but now I have changed my face.

Fortunately, I used to think I was a good person, but in fact only you are a friend. "

Uncle Sixteen lowered his voice and said, "You don't have to be too sad. Didn't you see that those of the Boss generation didn't move?

It stands to reason that such good things, they will not be indifferent.

So, I think there is something wrong with this, maybe the little broken cloud is cheating again. "

Uncle Wu was shocked in his heart, but did not expect that sixteen was clever.

However, the face said: "Can you? I think it's dead can't die anymore, after all we have split two hours."

"I'm just guessing. You won't get any benefit from left and right. We are still far away to avoid being involved." Uncle XVI said.

Uncle Wu flew in the distance while following Uncle Sixteen, while feeling with emotion in his heart, it seems that Sixteen is much smarter than me, so listen to its opinions in the future!

At this time, Uncle Er flew at the front, but within a few feet of Xiao Jinyun.

In order to be cautious, it chopped a few days of thunder against Xiao Jinyun, and chopped a few days of thunder against Yun Chujiu next to it.

Seeing the other dark clouds, they did not dare to split the small golden cloud, fearing that it would be wiped out, so they all split down at Yunchujiu.

Although they felt that Yun Chujiu had no threats, it was better to kill them.

After a while, Yun Chujiu was "dead."

The dark clouds were immediately rejoicing, and the spoils could be divided!

Uncle Er took the lead and landed on the ground.

It uses phantom whiskers to pull the cloud wings of Xiao Jinyun.

Other black clouds were not willing to show their weakness, and they all pulled the cloud wings of Xiao Jinyun.

The little golden clouds are much smaller than their size, and the cloud wings are also very small, so many dark clouds can't grab the front and squeeze into a mass.

Even some dark clouds pressed against Yun Chujiu's "corpse".

Yun Chujiu is almost happy!

With so many dark clouds coming to the door, maybe the problem of Xiao Bai's face can be solved once.

However, it must be quick and fast, otherwise these dark clouds will soon escape.

(End of this chapter)

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