Chapter 9379 No problem

Xiao Jinyun's imaginary kung fu, vaguely saw a lot of dark clouds floating in the distance.

Oops, the dark cloud army came over!

Uncle Wu must be frightened before they arrive, otherwise it is impossible to survive.

It merged with the several cloud wings that were turning around and shouted to Shuwu: "How is it? Now I know how powerful I am?"

Are you still in the circle? Why is there me in your sea of ​​knowledge... well, maid?

Because this is my warning to you!

To tell you the truth, although I have countless ways to kill you, but I don’t want to die, so I only scared you a little.

If you are stubborn and incomprehensible, it is not she but me who invades your consciousness!

You should be very clear what will happen if my consciousness invades your cloud core, then all your cloud wings will be owned by me, but it is not as simple as a few flowers. "

Uncle Wu was terrified. Of course, he knew what would happen if he was invaded into the cloud core by other dark clouds.

However, to date, no such precedent has been heard.

After all, the dark clouds are still in order and will not kill each other.

What's more, it's so easy to invade the consciousness. If you can't lift the stone and hit your feet, you can not only invade successfully, but also damage your own consciousness.

However, it used his consciousness to see "Yunchujiu" who was still meditating in his own consciousness, and believed a little in Xiao Jinyun's words.

However, there are still some doubts.

It sneered: "You don't talk too much in alarm, if you really have such a skill, you still need to hide from Tibet?!

I advise you to stop trying in vain, and wait for other clouds to come over, you are dead! "

"You know a fart! Do you think I'm hiding you? I'm hiding a terrifying existence!

Let me tell you this, he just needs to use that loss of coercion to make you tremble from the bones.

Even with my noble existence, I could not breathe when I thought of him.

So, I don't want to be too high-profile, it would be awful if he were brought out

I didn't want to say this, but you are so uninteresting!

If you dare to catch up, I’m so welcome! "

Speaking of which, Xiao Jinyun took Yun Chujiu to continue to fly forward, the speed is not too fast.

Uncle Wu is very entangled in his heart, chase or not chase?

Looking at the little broken cloud, it looked like he had a bottom in his heart, otherwise he would not fly so slowly.

But just give up, it is too suffocating!

Not only did he fail to retaliate, but he also lost five cloud wings, and it was almost vomiting to death!

When he subconsciously looked at the "Cloud Chujiu" in the cloud core, she saw that she had been keeping her eyes closed and recuperating. She seemed to really want to be a neighbor with it.

Suddenly thrilled in his heart, he shouted at Xiao Jinyun:

"I can let you go this time, but you have to get the mind of your maid out of my cloud core, otherwise I and you will never die."

Xiao Jinyun said immediately: "Naturally, no problem!"

It was relayed to Yun Chujiu immediately, and Yun Chujiu wanted to take back that divine consciousness.

But she found that because she was too far away, she couldn't take it back, only a trace of nothing.

Now facing two choices, one is to bring Uncle Wu closer, so that the consciousness can be recovered.

But there are risks in doing so. The army of black clouds is getting closer and closer. Once Uncle Wu repented, she fell into a circle of black clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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