Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9373: Nine fingers for the elderly

Chapter 9373 The Way of Nine Fingers for the Elderly

Yun Chujiu sighed: "There is a big wave of dark clouds chasing and killing me. As soon as my stealth technique fails, it is estimated that they will soon be able to catch up."

The nine-finger old man suddenly stumbled!

He wanted to swear, why were you chased by the dark clouds, why did you turn me to the flying boat?

Isn't this sincerely killing me piggybacked? !

But thinking of the great achievements before Yun Chujiu, he comforted: "You haven't been chased down by the black clouds before, fishing them for a few cloud wings to scare and scare them, they must have escaped."

Yun Chujiu sighed again: "I had turned away dozens of cloud wings from them last time, but it's useless. They chase and kill me even more!"

Nine fingers old man: "..."

He felt he needed to be quiet. What was it that he had turned away dozens of clouds?

Is Yunyi so worthless now? !

Can you abduct dozens of flowers casually? !

His first reaction was that Yun Chujiu was bragging, but looking at her as if it was not a lie, he asked a few more words and finally believed.

He felt more and more lost this time!

Those dark clouds must have hated her, and she would certainly not stop without hacking her to death.

Poor he has an old bone, and after so many years, it is finally coming soon, but he will be buried with him.

He is so miserable!

Or would he find an excuse to leave now?

It wasn’t that he didn’t mean enough, mainly because he stayed there and couldn’t do much to help him.

It's just that I can't say anything at all, I always feel a little guilty.

At this time, Yun Chujiu said: "Nine-finger old man, or let's separate first, I'm afraid that you will be killed later."

When the nine-finger old man heard it, he could not speak more when he reached his mouth.

Anyway, he was once a hero, and it was a bit of a loss to remove the ladder.

So, he straightened his waist and said, "You look down on me too. Am I the kind of person who doesn't stand upright?!

Don't say this again in the future, otherwise I will turn your face! "

In spite of the irritability in his mouth, in fact the old man's heart was bleeding, he didn't want to die!

He hasn't lived enough, he even plans to find a wife!

Yun Chujiu saw him say this, but did not persuade him.

It’s not too late anyway, it’s not too late to say that.

Nine-finger old man's desire to survive has exploded, so this brain seems to turn faster than usual.

He suddenly said: "Since your consciousness can invade into my sea of ​​knowledge, can you invade into the sea of ​​black clouds?"

If possible, they might be scared away. "

Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up suddenly, and he thought that the old man with nine fingers might be able to do this.

The only worry now is whether the divine consciousness she splits can invade the dark cloud of consciousness.

She was a little bit in the bottom of her heart. The reason why she was able to invade the ninth-finger old man's consciousness was because his soul was broken, so there was not much resistance.

If you change to a normal person, she will definitely not succeed with her current cultivation practice.

The dark clouds are so overbearing, and the consciousness is certainly very strong. Can she succeed?

She gritted her teeth, whether it would succeed or not, let me try it first, at most it would lose a ray of consciousness.

The next day, Yun Chujiu was still in his sleep and heard the cry of the old man with nine fingers:

"Come! The dark clouds are coming!"

Yun Chujiu looked over through the porthole. Sure enough, there were dark clouds converging towards the distance, and the first one was Uncle Five.

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what's wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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