Chapter 10693 Emperor Beiming

When Yun Chujiu was in a hurry, the five-clawed golden dragon opened his eyes.

  Yun Chujiu was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “It’s just right that you wake up, don’t get bigger, otherwise it is likely to cause trouble.”

  The five-clawed golden dragon stared at her: "Who are you?"

   Yun Chujiu: "..."

   Ten thousand beasts whizzed past in my heart!

   Amnesia again?

   It’s endless, isn’t it? !

  Fearing that she would not be able to suppress the killing in her body, Ergouzi hurriedly calmed down: "Little fairy, the honour has changed from a snake to a dragon. It is inevitable that her memory will be damaged.

  This is not the first time anyway, you are best at treating his disease, so don’t worry, don’t get angry, calm down, be calm! "

  As soon as its voice fell, the five-clawed golden dragon looked at it coldly: "Audacious!"

  Er Gouzi was so scared that he directly knelt on the ground. This guy is not an ordinary counselor, so he slapped his mouth with his front paws:

   "My dear, my dog ​​can't spit out ivory. Don't be like me. I smoke myself. I will never talk nonsense anymore!"

  Yun Chujiu only felt angry, and he had to look at the owner when hitting the dog, not to mention Ergouzi did not say anything excessive.

  She took a deep breath and tried to calm her emotions.

   Just then, a white light flashed in front of him, and the five-clawed golden dragon had become a familiar and stranger.

   said that he was familiar because the person in front of him was clearly Emperor Beiming, and he was unfamiliar, because he looked at Yun Chujiu only with alienation and indifference in his eyes.

  He looked at Yun Chujiu and asked again: "Who are you?"

   Yun Chujiu looked at him: "You don’t remember who I am, do you remember who you are?"

  Emperor Beiming’s tone didn’t make waves: “Naturally remember, you don’t want to talk about him, who are you? Why are you in the room of the deity?”

   Yun Chujiu was very angry and smiled: "Your room? This is the inn, and it is the room I opened. I saved you.

  As for who am I? I used to be your fiancee. "

  Emperor Beiming frowned: "Once?"

   Yun Chujiu chuckled: "Yes, you were my fiance a moment ago, but I am not rare anymore.

  Emperor Beiming, I am amnesia again and again no matter what the reason is, even if you are involuntary, even if you have difficulties, but I have had enough!

  From now on, our marriage contract is cancelled! "

  Emperor Beiming was empty in his heart, always feeling that there was something extremely important to lose.

   Ergouzi feels very relieved!

  For a long time, it has been grieving for the little fairy.

  Although the big evil star is also very hard-working, from time to time, he will suffer from cold and poison, and will be forced to become a silver snake.

  But what does this have to do with Little Fairy? !

  Why should the little fairy carry everything for him? Why should the little fairy tolerate and forgive him again and again? !

  It’s time to kick him long ago!

  Where is there no fragrant grass in the world, why do you have unrequited love for a flower? !

  At this time, Yun Chujiu continued: "Since you have recovered your body, you must have recovered a lot of cultivation.

  From today, we are a cooperative relationship. After the master of the giant hand is removed, we will return to the bridge, return to the road, and never see each other again! "

  Emperor Beiming tried to ignore the hidden pain in his heart, and said indifferently: "It seems that you saved the deity, and the deity owes you a favor, and there will be a return in the future.

  But the deity does not like to cooperate with others, so goodbye! "

  Di Beiming said that he was leaving, and then heard Yun Chujiu say coldly: "Di Beiming, if you dare to take a step out of the door, I will chop off your dog legs!"

  (End of this chapter)

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