Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10689: The meaning of killing

   Chapter 10689 The Meaning of Killing

  Ji Lianyi had been to Xiancao Valley before, so she was very familiar with the road, and she chose a route with relatively few people.

  In addition, Yun Chujiu, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, released the dog's tail grass and let it explore the way in front. If someone finds someone, they can also avoid it in advance.

  After avoiding a few groups of people, they finally left Xiancao Valley.

  Ji Lianyi said: “According to this, fifty miles away is Xiancao City. According to the rules of the Chaos World, fights are strictly prohibited in the city, especially inside the inn. They can ensure our safety as long as they pay enough money.

  It's better to go to the city to find an inn to fix it. I will tell you the cultivation method, and we will strive to raise the cultivation base to knowledge as soon as possible. "

  Yun Chujiu also urgently needs a place to deal with things. If nothing else, the matter of the silver snake is the top priority, so he said: "Okay, just do what you said."

  The four of them walked towards Xiancao City at the fastest speed, and they were still stopped when they were about to arrive.

  It's really that their shells stand out from the crowd in the Chaos Realm. If they are walking spars, it's hard not to attract the attention of others.

   Six people stopped them, and they were all casual cultivators.

  In addition to them, there are many people around who are holding a wait-and-see attitude.

   Yun Chujiu couldn't help but frown, it's best to shock them directly, lest they never end.

  Thinking of this, she didn't use Sha this time, but slashed at one of them empty-handed.

  That's so popular!

  I have never seen such a self-conscious person. Is it possible that I still want to fight him empty-handed?

  Also, her body is indeed much stronger than him, but what's the use? !

  Divine consciousness cultivation is the key!

  While thinking, he released three sharp swords, and went straight to the key point of Yun Chujiu.

   Yun Chujiu did not hide, letting the three sharp swords pass through her body, and she also approached the San Xiu with a dagger in her hand, which directly cut his throat.

   Although the casual cultivator died, his soul was not injured, and he went directly out of his body to seize Yun Chujiu.

  Nah think, Yun Chujiu is like catching a chicken, grabbing the person's soul, and then... tore it to pieces.

  The shredded soul instantly turned into nothingness, and the real soul flew away.

  The other five casual cultivators and those on the sidelines were stunned!

  After a brief period of death, he immediately ran away, and even the corpse of the casual repairer was ignored.

  Someone among them guessed: "They must have hidden their cultivation base, so they have such a powerful method.

  Fortunately, we didn’t do it, or we would be dead! "

   "Yes, I think they have at least five levels of knowledge, and they are definitely characters we can't afford to provoke."

   "I may have reached the level of knowledge, it's terrible!"


  No matter what they say, in short, there is no one left around Yun Chujiu's four.

  Chi Wu stepped forward and put away the body of the man to avoid unnecessary trouble.

   Seeing Yun Chujiu slightly stunned, he asked: "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

   Yun Chujiu shook his head: "It's okay, let's enter the city!"

  Chi Wu didn't think much about it, and she was still a little excited. The little girl just showed her power, and now there won't be anyone who has no eyes to provoke them.

   Yun Chujiu's complexion was as usual, but her heart was a little uneasy, because she felt that since entering the Chaos Realm, she seemed to be unable to control her own killing.

  When those red Apiao existed, she also had this situation.

  But those red piaos have been absorbed by the red skeletons, because the red skeletons are transformed by its bone wings.

  Since she has been absorbed, why does she have the same symptoms again?

  (End of this chapter)

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