Chapter 10684 See you

   Yun Chujiu said impatiently: "If you have something to say, just let it go!"

   Gouwei Cao hurriedly let the ball of yarn continue to say: "Grandma, didn't you let the three of us wake up Sumeishi with the power of space?"

  We can kill two birds with one stone this time. When we use the power of space to teleport, you can take out the Xumeshi, and maybe you can forcibly wake it up. "

  Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up. If Xumishi can be awakened and let it donate the small bone, the silver snake might be able to recover its human form.

  "This time you have made up for it, and the matter of your stone father and mother is over."

  Guoweicao can't help but can't help it. It seems that everything needs to be more thoughtful. No wonder Ergouzi is so spoiled, and he will have to improve in this aspect in the future.

  The dark clouds in the sky feel very depressed!

  Usually they can complete the task with just a few hacks, but today they have hacked so many thunders. The little girl below has nothing to do except being chopped into a bald scoop.

  Could it be that they haven’t hacked people for too long, so the business is unfamiliar?

  It's really anxious!

  In a desperate situation, he chopped harder, wishing to chop Yun Chujiu into powder in one fell swoop.

  Yun Chujiu initially sat cross-legged, but later simply lay down flat.

  It's not that she blows it, she may not be able to bear it after a long time, but persists until it gets dark without any problems.

  On the other side, Situ Huizhu and others are copying those ancient books at the fastest speed.

  After they re-engraved a copy, the little black book ate it. Situ Hui mastered them to re-engrave the book faster than it can eat.

  The little black book kept flashing words on the pages of the book for urging, wishing to swallow all the ancient books in one go.

  As it swallows more and more ancient books, its cover color has changed.

   slowly changed from jet black to gray, until it became white.

  However, in the blink of an eye, it turned back to black.

  Situ Huizhu and the others saw it, but they didn't care too much. They just wanted to quickly re-engrave the ancient book.

  After all, Emperor Mo is still struck by lightning!

  Finally, all the ancient books have been re-enacted.

  Little Black Book swallowed the last ancient book, and flew towards Dingxu.

  When it was almost a hundred feet away from Yunchujiu, a part of the dark clouds gave up Yunchujiu and went straight to it.

  Xiao Heishu was scared to death, but fortunately, Yun Chujiu saw it and hurried to the front.

  Xiao Heishu hurriedly got into Yun Chujiu's right foot, finally heaved a sigh of relief.

  Yun Chujiu looked up at the dark clouds and waved at them: "See you, you!"

  After speaking, she entered the Dingxu.

  Chiwu and the three were pacing anxiously, and when they saw Yun Chujiu coming over, they let go of their hanging hearts.

  It’s just that Yun Chujiu’s current appearance is really funny, with all her hair and eyebrows gone. Fortunately, she has put on new clothes on her body, otherwise she can’t bear to look directly at her.

   Yun Chujiu was afraid that the night would have many dreams, and immediately led Chi Wu and three people down to the bottom of the pit.

   Yun Chujiu took out the rope to tie the four together, and put the silver little snake into the secret pocket on her chest, and held it with her hand. Only then did she use her divine sense to order the three foodies in her dantian to activate the power of space.

  Dog's Tail Grass They released the power of space at the same time, the power of the surrounding chaos began to gather frantically, the space began to be distorted, and the four figures disappeared in place.

  The dark clouds in the sky couldn't detect Yun Chujiu's breath, and they were so angry that they broke away.

  (End of this chapter)

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