Chapter 10674 Has Always Been Her Dog

   Yun Chujiu didn’t care about this, and said, “Speak in detail, if you don’t know how to say it, let Fu talk.”

  Tu Yi heard that he was afraid that he would be robbed of the opportunity to perform, and began to vividly tell the situation when he was deflated.

   Yun Chujiu felt that what it said should be a bit exaggerated, because according to Tu, she could summon dark clouds at will, and it was a real dark cloud.

  She is not a god, how can she summon dark clouds at will? !

  She asked Fu to say it again, and the result was similar to Tu’s statement.

   Yun Chujiu had to give up upon seeing this.

  Fu Hetu blew another rainbow fart, and then offered to enter the spirit beast bag to wait.

  In fact, they didn't want to get into the bag of spirit beasts at all, but if they stayed outside, it would be too difficult for this little ancestor to mention the original things from time to time.

After   Fu Hetu entered the spirit beast bag, he saw Er Gouzi at a glance, and suddenly yelled.

   Seeing this, Ergouzi was very proud: "Although I have a prosperous beauty, but I don't want to make you so crazy, right?!"

  Fu Hetu surrounded him with a fierce look: "Dead dog! You ate our body at the beginning! You spit it out!"

   Ergouzi: "..."

  These two are crazy, right? What are you talking about? !

  But, it quickly remembered what they had cried before.

  At the beginning, their bodies were fed to the dog by the suspected little fairy's previous life. Could it be that the dog was it?

  Hey, if this is the case, it means that it has followed the little fairy early, and it has always been her dog!

  Just say it, no wonder it has a sense of belonging to the dog, dare to feel that it turns out to be the noble and hopeful ancestor of the dog!

  These are not important. What is important is that it has always followed the little fairy, has been loyal to her, and is well-deserved first spiritual pet.

  What kind of dog's tail grass, what kind of yarn ball, all stand aside!

   When Ergouzi was in trouble, Fuhetu had already leaned in, and he was in a pretentious posture to tear Ergouzi alive.

  Er Gouzi was not scared at all, just like a human being, stood upright with his two front paws behind him, and said in a condescending tone:

  "Xiaofu, Xiaotu, I urge you two to be rational and not to make unforgivable mistakes. It will be too late to regret.

  Let’s not say if I am the great dog in your mouth, even if it is, you shouldn’t treat me like that.

  I am saving you after eating your bodies!

  Think about it, if I hadn’t eaten your body, I would have to find the little fairy to avenge your virtues. With the little fairy’s character, it wouldn’t be as simple as depriving you of your outer skin.

  Even if you don’t appreciate it and want to settle the account with me, you have to weigh the amount.

  I am Little Fairy’s first favorite, if you dare to move me, Little Fairy will surely kill you! "

  Fu He Tu was really frightened by it, and didn't dare to do it.

  However, this does not mean that they have let the two dogs go. The two looked at each other. If there is a chance in the future, they must avenge their original blood and blood.

  Er Gouzi is so good!

  Clearly think about them, snorting in my heart, wanting to fight with my two dogs, you are still tender!

  Want to clean up me?

   Let me first let you know how good I am, and I am best at sue.

  However, now is not a good time. The little fairy is irritated because he thinks about the affairs of the three thousand continents. If he is now suspicious, he might lift a rock and hit himself in the foot.

  Huh, it will grow in the days to come!

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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