Chapter 10664 Am I very good?

  The fat rabbit saw the thin rabbit running towards him in the distance, and his three-lobed mouth couldn't help but grin!

  They are now considered to have passed the test of life and death, and the little beauty must love it miserably!

  When it was screaming, it felt like the sky was spinning, and it fainted with a choking sound.

  Before it passed out, there was only one thought in his mind, I haven't married the little beauty home, I don't want to die!

  After it fainted, its figure shrank quickly and became a swollen appearance again.

  The thin rabbit couldn't help but pause, and then continued to run forward until he ran in front of the fat rabbit.

  Invincible Honey Badger showed a look of eating melons, thinking that the thin rabbit must have seen the fat rabbit fainted, so he was very worried.

  The next moment, it was stunned.

  I saw the thin rabbit grabbing and kicking the fat rabbit, and the fat rabbit’s rabbit fur was pulled off a lot and scattered all over the ground.

   Yun Chujiu’s attention just now was on the passage, and at this time the passage had disappeared.

  She slowed down, and quickly stopped: "Stop!"

  The thin rabbit kicked the fat rabbit so hard that it stopped.

  Coincidentally, at this time the fat rabbit woke up.

  It feels a lot of pain on its body, and in some places it seems to be chilly.

  However, it saw the thin rabbit standing in front of it, and immediately threw these out of the sky.

   "Little beauty, I beat that **** to death, am I very good?"

  The thin rabbit couldn't hold back it, and slapped a paw on the fat rabbit's face, and then said the first word: "Go away!"

  Skinny Rabbit speaks in human language, so everyone here understands it.

  The fat rabbit didn’t react for a while: "Little beauty, what did you say?"

   "I will let you go! Look at your stupid fat pig!

  What other little beauty do you call me? Disgusting!

  If it weren’t that the bug and the honey badger were too stupid, just knowing that they stupidly stuck and didn’t continue to destroy the enchantment, would I endure the nausea and watch you perform? !

  Don’t obstruct your eyes in front of me in the future, and you won’t bother other rabbits when you see you..."

  The words of the thin rabbit stuck in the fat rabbit's heart like a sharp sword, and fainted with a choking sound.

  The words of the thin rabbit stopped abruptly, instead of looking at the fat rabbit, he turned his head and said to Yun Chujiu:

   "The secret treasure has been handed over to you. I only have one condition. All the herbs in the Mausoleum of Demon Sealing belong to me."

   Yun Chujiu felt that this was not a difficult task, and nodded:

   "Okay, I promise you.

  But I want to ask, listening to what you just said, you didn't intend to prevent the golden armor from destroying the barrier, right? "

  Skinny Rabbit nodded: "Yes, I just happened to be there at the time because Yi Palmer let me guard the barrier underground.

  Who knew that the worm was so courageous that he did not dare to continue to act. "

  Golden Armor was so angry that he chirped for a long time, but it was a pity that no one understood it.

  Fortunately, the Invincible Honey Badger said its heartfelt voice: "In that case, why didn't you say it at the time?"

   "I haven't been able to speak for a long time, and I can speak suddenly without knowing what happened just now." said the thin rabbit.

  The Invincible Honey Badger thought about it for a while, this thin rabbit did not say a word before, could it be true?

  Yun Chujiu's ten thousand beasts on his head interjected: "I never heard him say something when I went to the city. This time, maybe I was so angry by the fat rabbit, so I can talk."

   Yun Chujiu stopped struggling with this question, and asked: "Why do you want to help us? Are you against Yi Zhangling?"

  (End of this chapter)

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