Chapter 10647

  The leader of Gan Meng has done his wishful thinking, which is a bit more calm than before.

  After entering the chamber, the leader of Gan liedly said politely: "Uncle Master, you should have the highest grade."

  That’s what he said, but anyone who is a little bit conservative will not take the lead, after all, he is the leader of the Dan League.

  It’s a pity that Mr. Jiu doesn’t know how to write the word 矜Chi. He smiled and said, “Since Nephew Gan is so polite, then I’m disrespectful.”

   Then he sat on the throne of the leader in the stunned Gan.

  Yun Chujiu leaned back and sat on it, patted the armrest with both hands, and nodded: "This seat is very comfortable. No wonder you are afraid that I will **** the throne of your leader."

  Leader Gan was so angry that he didn't know what to say, but he had given out the seat himself.

  He had to sit in the first seat on the left, and the others sat down in order according to their status.

   Yun Chujiu looked at it and frowned: "Why are there such people? With such a distinguished status, this scene is a bit too deserted.

  Senior Nephew Gan, you call all the people in the Dan League to come over to the banquet. I know each other.

  In addition, my master has left me a lot of treasures, and I will send you some meeting gifts. "

  Leader Gan is very suspicious of the authenticity of her words, after all, it is not that she has never dealt with her before, it is a real money fan.

  But it’s okay to call everyone here. There are so many people and powerful, just to solve all these rebels, no matter how bad they are, they can control the Chi Wu and the three who use it to threaten Huacun.

  So, he began to arrange.

  In just one hour, the banquet began.

  Yun Chujiu smiled and looked at the people in the room. The people controlled by the shadows should all be here, and it happened to be closed to hit the dog!

  She smiled and said: "I, an elder, have to give the younger generation a meeting ceremony to make sense, and I can't get any of them.

  You guys, I personally post it, and other disciples’ people will let them go to Huntianding to receive it. I have already asked Shantianding to say hello.

  Shang Nephew, you can handle this in person, and come back for a drink after you finish it. "

   Peak Master Shang moved in his heart, he should be right now, and went to make arrangements.

  After he left, he ate and drank for a while, Yun Chujiu said, “Now it’s time to meet Mrs Nephew Gan, this is yours!”

  As she spoke, she took out a handful of herbs, and motioned to the leader Gan to come over and get it.

  Leader Gan couldn't help being surprised when she saw the herbs in her hand, because all Yun Chujiu held in her hand were precious herbs, and each one was hard to find.

  He couldn't help but moved proudly, and walked two steps to the front of Yun Chujiu, to pick up the medicinal herb in Yun Chujiu's hand.

  As soon as his right hand touched the medicinal herb, Yun Chujiu had an extra dagger in his left hand, which pierced the key of the leader of Gan.

  Leader Gan should not say that the reaction was extremely fast, and while protecting himself with divine consciousness, he tried his best to dodge.

  Unfortunately, whether it is a divine sense attack or a divine defense defense is the same as Yun Chujiu, the dagger penetrated the divine defense defense and plunged on the right shoulder of the leader of Gan.

  Leader Gan was frightened and angry. He was about to counterattack. Suddenly, a burning pain came from his right foot, and he involuntarily stumbled.

  At this time, Yun Chujiu had a broken sword in his right hand, which pierced the front of the leader of Gan, and then she placed the dagger across his neck.

  All of this happened between the electric light and flint. Others only reacted at this time. Many people stood up and glared at Yun Chujiu.

  (End of this chapter)

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