Chapter 10641 Traitor

  Ji Lianyi saw that Yun Chujiu was very interested in the Temple of Gods and Demons, and continued to introduce: "The Temple of Gods and Demons is so powerful that there are nine sub-temples under it.

   is named after the nine sons of the dragon. They are Prisoner Niu Hall, Jiasu Hall, Laughing Wind Hall, Pulao Hall, Sushang Hall, Baxia Hall, Sushang Hall, Binqi Hall, and Chongkien Hall.

  The hall I am in is Pu Lao Hall. I don’t know from which hall the people of Ten Thousand Beast Sect came from, but it should not come from our branch hall.

  If it were sent by our branch, Master Wuchen would have punished me long ago. "

  Next, Ji Lianyi said something about the Temple of Gods and Demons. Yun Chujiu felt that the Lord of the Temple of Gods and Demons was the owner of the giant hand.

  She remembered her previous guess about Feng Mo Mausoleum, and asked: "Is Feng Mo Mausoleum yours?"

  Ji Lianyi shook his head: "There is competition among the nine sub-temples, and some things are limited to their own sub-temples, so I don’t know whether the Feng Demon Mausoleum is related to our gods and demons."

   Yun Chujiu discovered that Ji Lianyi had been in captivity almost all the time before, and there were few people in contact, so she knew very little.

  She saw that Ji Lianyi was not in good condition, so she didn't ask more, let her rest.

  Two days later, the Swift Wing Jinpeng landed outside the Dan League.

  They just got off the Swift Wing Jinpeng, not far away there was a group of men and horses coming over aggressively.

   got close, Yun Chujiu recognized the identities of the two leading people, Hall Master Pan of Ganhuotang and Hall Master Ma of Kunhuotang.

  Behind them were dozens of disciples, including Murongheng and Dugumu.

   Hallmaster Pan sneered: "You four traitors dare to come back?! What a courage! Come, take them down!"

  Murongheng and others are about to rush forward. Although Murongheng, Dugumu and Shu Yao had a good relationship in the past, after they came out of Hongmeng Sacred Mountain, even if they had no memory of that time, they still felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

  In addition, Shu Yao was controlled by Ji Lianyi later, and she became more and more distant from the two of them, so now she doesn't care about her old love at all.

   Yun Chujiu sneered with her hands behind her back: "Who would dare to do it?! I'm so bored!"

  Not to mention, her posture is quite bluffing, and Murongheng and others can't help but feel a little timid.

  The main reason is that they were pitted by Yun Chujiu before, and there was some shadow in their hearts.

  Yun Chujiu continued: "Traitor? Even if we want to be charged with a crime, there must be a saying? Why are we traitors?


  I remember that our Dan League is the most reasonable and evidence-based place. How can we convict people casually now?

  Furthermore, I am also Liuding Pharmacist anyhow, and the three of them are Wuding Pharmacists. When you say arresting people, then arrest people? Is there a leader Wen Di? "

  Hall Master Pan glanced at Yun Chujiu contemptuously: "Want to see the Wen Dia, do you? Then open your eyes to see! The leader's Wen Di is here!"

   Hallmaster Pan threw a paper to Yun Chujiu as he said.

  Yun Chujiu took a look, and it was indeed covered with the big seal of League Lord Gan.

  It is temporarily impossible to judge whether the leader of Gan is controlled by the black shadow. Originally, she wanted to contact the Ten Thousand Beasts and Tianshaking Cauldron to see if she could know some of the situation of the Dan League.

  As a result, Wan Beast Pu tried several times but didn't contact Shaan Tianding, and didn't know what happened.

  Speaking of Shaking Tianding, it was still a little clever compared to Wan Beast Pu, and he might be trapped.

  Yun Chujiu read the text again and said:

  "Since there is a census, then we will let you go to see the lord and ask for justice."

  (End of this chapter)

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