Chapter 10639 Stay

  Ji Lianyi said in astonishment: "You said that the subject will be frightened?"

  She originally thought that after the split, the subject would not be affected. If that was the case, she could give it a try.

   But if the subject is fascinated, there are too many things she needs to give up.

   Yun Chujiu nodded and urged: “You better make a decision quickly, otherwise once your subject is trapped, you won’t be able to do it even if you want to.”

When Ji Lianyi was struggling, Zhen Shuyao's hysterical roar sounded from the divine consciousness:

  "This is my body! Why did you decide? Get out, get out of here!"

  Before in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Zhen Shuyao hadn't tried to fight back, but her consciousness was too weak, and she was not Ji Lianyi's opponent at all.

   not only failed to get rid of Ji Lianyi, but was severely injured again. It was the end of the battle.

Zhen Shuyao originally placed her hopes on Yun Chujiu, but now that she actually wants Ji Lianyi to occupy her body, she completely replaces it, and she hates Yun Chujiu.

   Yun Chujiu couldn't hear Shu Yao, even if she heard her, she didn't care.

  Shu Yao tried to put her to death several times, but now she just deserved it.

  Ji Lianyi felt that Shu Yao was too noisy, but with another heavy blow, Shu Yao passed out again.

   Yun Chujiu is not sure whether Ji Lianyi will agree, but she still has a second plan.

  If Ji Lianyi doesn't agree, then she will help Ji Lianyi play a bitter trick, so that Ji Lianyi can make up for one or two in front of her superiors.

  In the future, you will have to go to the interface where she is. It is also a good choice to have her do internal work.

  At this moment, Chi Wu said: "Little girl, forget it, don't force her.

  She also has her difficulties, it is not easy for her to do this now. "

  Speaking, he said to Ji Lianyi again: "There is no two things in the world. If I am in your position, it will be difficult for me to make a decision.

  So, just follow your heart, don’t be embarrassed.

  If you are willing to stay, we will stay together for life.

  If you refuse to stay, I will definitely find a way to find you on your interface, and we will eventually grow old. "

  Chi Wu usually looks like a hippie smiling face, but at this time his expression is extremely serious.

  He is not acting, he is not advancing with retreat, this is his truth.

  If Ji Lianyi's main body is not affected after the divine consciousness is cut, he will definitely try to persuade Ji Lianyi to stay, but the main body will be dissipated, and it would be too selfish to force it any more.

  Ji Lianyi opened her mouth slightly, obviously a little surprised that Chi Wu would say such a thing.

  She closed her eyes again, and it took a long time to open them.

   "I decided to stay."

  Chi Wu was surprised and delighted: "What you said is true? Have you decided?"

  Ji Lianyi nodded, she figured it out.

  In the interface where she was, all of her close relatives died because their bodies could not bear the intensity of spiritual consciousness.

  After she was sent to the organization, she didn't have any real friends, so there was nothing to miss.

  It is true that the Chaos Qi of the interface is much stronger than here, and the techniques are more advanced, but she is not happy.

   Stay here, she can have family, friendship and love, as well as this fluffy little rabbit.

   Yun Chujiu poured cold water on her: "This is not a child's play, you have to think about it clearly.

  People's hearts will change. I don't know if my second brother will change his heart someday, and the fat rabbit you are holding may also betray you, and then you will have nothing. "

  (End of this chapter)

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