Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10627: Terminate the contract

  Chapter 10627 Cancellation

  Qigu was taken aback by the determination of the gray-backed iron claw wolf. Seeing that it was actually ready to go back, he was terrified.

  His consciousness is not lightly injured. If he is backlashed by the gray-backed iron-clawed wolf's consciousness, he might really become a fool.

   He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, okay, I can break the contract with you, but if you want to figure out clearly what will happen to you in the future as a traitorous abandoned beast?

  It’s too late for you to regret now! "

  The gray-backed iron claw wolf is not threatened by him at all: "What I regret most is that I have only gathered the courage to resist you now, and quickly terminate the contract, or I will start!"

  Qigu was trembling with anger, but was afraid that the gray-backed iron-clawed wolf would really go back, so he had to cancel the contract.

  The gray-backed iron-clawed wolf shed tears when it noticed that the shackles were lifted. It was even dreaming that it would really have time to get rid of this scum.

  It crawls on the ground and screams at Yun Chujiu. Those Yufeng disciples understand that this represents absolute surrender.

  They couldn’t help looking at each other. As disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, their method of surrendering monsters had never forcibly tame monsters and forced them to obey them. Never thought they could still do this?

  I have to say that Yun Chujiu’s approach opened the door to a new world.

   Yun Chujiu was actually quite surprised, she just couldn't see it, she didn't expect to have extra gains.

  She is not stupid, and naturally she will not throw the monsters who come to the door actively, and said with a smile: "Get up, I'll talk about the two of us later."

  The gray-backed iron-clawed wolf then got up and stood in front of Yun Chujiu, in the posture of a protector.

  Qigu is so angry!

   yelled at those Yufeng disciples and told them to catch Yun Chujiu quickly.

  Those Yufeng disciples said in their hearts that the fool is only going, they are all motionless.

  At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the mountain pass.

   Yun Chujiu took a closer look, and Elder Mei led Lufeng’s disciples to arrive.

Elder Mei saw that Yun Chujiu was surrounded by a group of Yufeng disciples, with a weak and helpless appearance, and suddenly became angry:

   "You Yufeng is really bullying! Go!"

  The Lufeng disciples behind him saw that their guests of Lufeng were besieged, and their peak owner was also besieged by the two elders of Yufeng. They were also furious.

Those disciples of   Yufeng wanted to explain, but the other party didn't give them the opportunity to explain at all, and they were beaten so that they could only parry and not fight back.

  Elder Mei arrived at Yun Chujiu and approached: "Are you okay?"

   Yun Chujiu shook his head: "It's okay, you go and help Lord Shang Feng!"

Although Elder Mei wanted to ask her what happened to the wolf in front of her, but seeing that the situation on the side of Master Shang was not easy, he did not bother to ask, and went to help Master Shang.

  Elder Liu and Elder Zheng chuckled in their hearts, which is bad!

  It seems that Shang's surname is well prepared. Not only will he not be able to achieve his wish today, I am afraid that he will suffer.

  They arranged the main manpower in the banquet hall, where only some disciples were ambushed, and they would not be the opponents of Elder Mei and others at all.

  Thinking of this, the two of them are about to run away.

  Unexpectedly, Peak Master Shang’s attack suddenly became fierce, and the two of them were shocked. The surname Shang did not use all their strength just now!

  They guessed right, Peak Master Shang only used seven points just now, just to hold them back and make things worse.

  Seeing that Elder Mei is here, his subordinates no longer show mercy.

  Along with Elder Mei's help, both Elder Liu and Elder Zheng were captured alive.

  Of course, I have a lot of color on my body.

  (End of this chapter)

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