Chapter 10625 Shadowless God Insect

The disciples of   Yufeng surrounded Yunchujiu in groups, and there were twenty people.

  Qigu was supported by someone standing aside, gritted his teeth and said: "Give me this **** to pieces!"

  Yun Chujiu was about to speak, and realizing that the silver snake in her sleeve seemed to want to come out to help, she immediately said:

   "It's just a piece of cake."

  The silver snake hesitated for a while, but thought that she had said before that the divine consciousness attack basically had no effect on her, so she stopped moving and watched the change.

  Yun Chujiu smiled contemptuously at those Yufeng disciples: "I didn't want to release my shadowless worm, but since you are not savvy, then don't blame me for being polite!"

  The faces of those Yufeng disciples suddenly showed a little jealousy.

Because the event of the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival has spread all over, Huan Cong won Shu Yao, Dugu Mu and Murong Heng three people in succession by relying on the Shadowless Divine Insect. Later, it caused the ground tremor, and the very mysterious... dung. Ball attack.

   Qi lonely jumped her feet with anger: "Don't listen to her nonsense, if she was really that powerful, she would have used it a long time ago, go, kill her!"

   Yun Chujiu carried the broken sword: "Oh, good words are hard to persuade the **** ghost, who is not afraid of death, just come over!"

  A disciple wanted to show it, his divine consciousness turned into a soft whip, and he drew it towards Yun Chujiu.

   Yun Chujiu did not hide, let the soft whip hit him, and curled his lips: "That's it? Your attack has been resolved by my shadowless worm. Hurry up and get out, otherwise I will be welcome!"

  The disciple had an unbelievable look on his face. He kept outputting his spiritual consciousness, but it was like a sea of ​​mud and cows, and no waves could arouse him.

  Even if Yun Chujiu didn't threaten him, he was afraid.

  Shadowless Divine Worm is even scarier than the legend!

  He ignored Qigu's warning and shivered back to the side.

  Some people do not believe in evil, turn their divine consciousness into a hammer, and come straight to Yunchujiu.

   Yun Chujiu still had that contemptuous expression, letting the hammer hit her head, she remained unscathed.

  It was the disciple who was a little dizzy because of the output of God's consciousness too fast. He thought it was caused by Yun Chujiu's Shadowless Divine Insect. His legs were so scared that he almost collapsed on the ground.

  He also murmured: "The Shadowless Divine Insect is so terrible! It hurt my spiritual consciousness silently."

  When he said this, the rest of the Yufeng disciples turned pale with fright, and backed back, for fear of being attacked by the Shadowless Divine Insect.

  Pretend to be a ghost nine: "..."

  It can only be said that the power of brain supplement is not ordinary!

  She carried the broken sword and walked forward calmly.

  She took one step, and those Yufeng disciples took five or six steps back, so angry that Qigu shouted:

   "Trash! A bunch of trash! She is a bluff, she has no real skills!"

  Those Yufeng disciples scolded in their hearts, if you don’t waste, why don’t you go? ! It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk.

  Qigu wanted to go, but Ji Lianyi hurt him too badly just now, and there was no way to attack him.

  He suddenly thought of his spiritual pet, and immediately released the gray-backed iron-clawed wolf: "Kill her to death!"

   Yun Chujiu saw the gray-backed iron-clawed wolf smile so unhappily: "I didn't eat wolf meat yesterday, but I took the initiative to deliver it today!

  Come here, let me eat your skin stew! "

  The gray-backed iron-clawed wolf saw her penetrating smile, and immediately took a few steps back with its tail clamped.

  It feels that its owner is 80% ill. Otherwise, why should it offend such a terrible person? !

  (End of this chapter)

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