Chapter 10623 Two skin faces

  Ji Lianyi saw that the fat rabbit was twitching and foaming again, and she immediately mentioned her throat, and she had no time to think about the meaning of Liu's old words.

  While feeding the fat rabbit the pill, she said fiercely: "If Xiaoguai has a long life and two shortcomings, I will kill you!"

   Yun Chujiu felt that Xiaoguai’s name was really not so good, but he was very satisfied with Ji Lianyi’s reaction.

  She wished that Ji Lianyi would fight with Elder Liu, so that it would be easier to instigate Ji Lianyi.

  Elder Liu saw that Ji Lianyi didn't give him any face, and he became angry from shame.

  He was about to have an attack, and Elder Zheng said in a roundabout way: "It's all a misunderstanding, and Qigu was not intentional, but it did scare the rabbit.

  Old Liu, let Qigu apologize! "

  Elder Liu saw that Elder Zheng kept winking at himself, as long as he suppressed his anger and said to Qi Gu:

   "What are you still waiting for?! Don't you hurry up and apologize to Miss Shu?!"

  He played a careful look. Before Yun Chujiu meant that Qigu would apologize to the fat rabbit, but now he apologized to Ji Lianyi.

  It’s embarrassing to spread an apology to the rabbit, and it’s much better to apologize to others.

  One hundred Qigu were unwilling, but did not dare to disobey Elder Liu’s order, so she gritted his posterior teeth and said stiffly, “I’m sorry!”

   Before Ji Lianyi could speak, Yun Chujiu tweeted: "You have no sincerity in apologizing! Besides, you have no beginnings and ends, who do you apologize to?

  You have to say, little boy, I’m sorry! "

  Qigu glared at her: "Huan Cong, don't take your time!"

   Yun Chujiu clutched her little heart: "Oh, are you a mad dog? Why do you see who bites whom? It scares me to death!

  I advise you to apologize to Xiaogua as soon as possible, or be careful that Shu Yao will kill you! "

  Qigu’s fists were clenched and rattled, obviously very angry.

  At this moment, the fat rabbit stopped twitching, and then slobbed at him again, spitting out directly on his face.

  Qigu was completely irritated this time!

  He once again transformed the consciousness into a long sword and smashed the fat rabbit.

  Ji Lianyi saw Qigu even daring to do it, and the killing intent flashed in her eyes, but she didn't even hide, she directly shielded herself with divine consciousness, and directed the bitter flower to attack Qigu.

  Qigu did not expect that Ji Lianyi would use such extreme tricks to dodge in no hurry, and was rushed by the flower.

  Fortunately, Elder Liu took the shot in time to disperse the Flower, but Qigu still sprayed out a mouthful of blood, his face pale as paper, and he passed out.

  Elder Liu was suddenly furious!

  His situation is different from that of other people who are occupied by the dark shadows. He has already occupied the consciousness of Elder Liu a few years ago, so he does have a sense of mentoring and apprenticeship towards Qigu.

   Seeing that Qi Gu was injured by Ji Lianyi at this time, he immediately threw the previous plan behind his head. After giving Qi Gu the healing pill, he stared at Ji Lianyi coldly:

   "Since you don't eat or drink fine wine for toasting, then don't blame the old man for bullying the little one!"

   Yun Chujiu pouted aside: “Since you know that you are bullying the small by the big, then you still do it? Saying one thing and doing another one is a dumb face!”

  Elder Liu was originally directed at Ji Lianyi, but now listening to Yun Chujiu's cynicism there, she immediately angered her.

  If it weren’t for this stinky girl who kept instigating, Ji Lianyi might not be so angry, so this scallion is even more damn!

  He released his divine consciousness as a three-handed long sword and went straight to Yunchujiu.

   Yun Chujiu had long expected that he would do this, so he hid directly behind the master Shang Feng: "Help, it's murder!"

  (End of this chapter)

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