Chapter 10621 Beautifully done

   Peak Master Shang had learned from Yun Chujiu that Shu Yao had been controlled by the black shadow, and at this moment, seeing Ji Lianyi holding the rabbit, he couldn't help feeling a bit offensive.

  This spy is too incompetent!

  I am interested in a fat rabbit without studying how to seize their vitality.

  It’s no wonder that Huan Cong said that she still has room to fight for, and she really doesn’t look like a gloomy person.

  Yun Chujiu didn't expect Ji Lianyi to love fat rabbits so much, and she didn't know whether she was obsessed with rabbits or what methods the fat rabbits used.

  As she was thinking about it, she saw the fat rabbit grinning three-petaled at her with an appearance of inviting credit.

   Yun Chujiu: "..."

  When I arrived at Yufeng Mountain Pass, I saw a group of people waiting there from a distance.

  Qibei whispered and Yun Chujiu said, "Did you see that goatee? That is Qigu's master Liu, and Qishen's master."

   Yun Chujiu's heart moved, she was here to find the fault, but now it is good to play.

  Qibei continued: "Standing next to him is Elder Zheng, a famous smiling tiger."

   Yun Chujiu nodded, indicating that he knew it.

  Elder Liu and Elder Zheng followed several disciples, Qi Jin, Qi Gu and others were all listed.

  Qigu's face was not very good-looking, he was glared at by Elder Liu before squeezing out a smile.

   Yun Chujiu saw him like this, and he became more confident.

  When the two sides were still ten feet away, Elder Zheng greeted him with a smile: "Master Shang, four distinguished guests, we have been waiting here for a long time! Come on, please inside!"

  Shangfeng master smiled and greeted a few words, and the four Yun Chujiu also said some kind words.

  The two sides talked and laughed and walked in. Yun Chujiu found that Elder Liu and Elder Zheng’s eyes fell on Ji Lianyi from time to time, and Ji Lianyi was also a little bit unwilling.

  She thought to herself that these shadows of them should be able to recognize each other's identities, or at least know that they are of the same kind.

  Hey, if that's the case, isn't Ji Lianyi a mobile shadow detector? !

  It seems that she has to win over anything, whether it is sacrificing the rabbit or Chiwu... Hue has to drag her into the water.

  However, the most important thing at the moment is to do things. Otherwise, if you are too far away from the mountain pass, there will be no way for Lufeng to support it.

   Thinking of this, she deliberately fell behind a few steps and walked forward side by side with Qibei.

  She whispered to Qibei: "How? I said that if I hit it, it was for nothing. We are members of the Dan League. Some people don't dare to do anything to us."

  When she said this, she also deliberately gave Qigu a provocative look.

  Qi was itchy with loneliness and hatred, but thinking of Elder Liu’s confession, he could only assume that he hadn’t heard anything.

  If you change to someone else, you will definitely not pick up Yun Chujiu's words, but will be with you.

  But Qibei didn’t have this vision at all, and said quite gloatingly, “Isn’t it! Some people are just lying in bed, they have nothing to do with it at all.”

  Qigu's face was pale, but still didn't say anything.

   Yun Chujiu said in his heart, it's quite tolerable!

  The more this happens, the more it means that Yufeng must have set a trap.

   Coincidentally, she saw the fat rabbit peeking toward her, she winked.

  In fact, she is not sure if the fat rabbit can understand it, anyway, it doesn’t matter what it is, it’s okay to give it a try.

  If it doesn’t work, she thinks of another way.

  The fat rabbit rolled his purple eyeballs, then grinned at Qigu...spit out.

  Yun Chujiu almost clapped her hands and applauded, doing a beautiful job!

  (End of this chapter)

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