Chapter 10613

   Yun Chujiu said: “I will talk with Feng Master Shang first, and then make the next step.

   By the way, brother, I would like to ask you for a favor. "

  Chi Wu dissatisfied: "Little sister, what you said is too far-fetched! You are my sister, and your business is mine. Are you so polite?!"

   "Then I'm welcome! You have tried to get Ji Lianyi in these two days so that she will not pay attention to me, so as not to prevent her from meeting their people."

  Chi Wu was dumbfounded when he heard it!

   "This, this, she is a big living person, how can I keep her?"

  "Didn’t I get you a prop?! Do you think I really want to kill that purple-eyed snow-eared rabbit to eat meat?

  I saw that Ji Lianyi seemed to like the fat rabbit very much, so I found an excuse to ask for it.

  Tomorrow, you will hold that fat rabbit to find her, saying that you can’t bear to kill the meat and want to raise it.

   But it refused to eat, and asked her if there is any good way?

  I don’t need to teach you the rest, right? "

  Chi Wu was stunned. He really thought that Yun Chujiu wanted the fat rabbit to eat meat, but it was for Ji Lianyi.

  Unexpectedly, Ji Lianyi would like rabbits. It seems that although she is indifferent and ruthless on the surface, she is actually very soft in her heart.

  Thinking about this, I felt a little bit more pity.

   Yun Chujiu heard him stuttering and agreed, so he put away the sound transmission note.

  At this time, the pitiful voice of Ji-wing Jinpeng came from the divine sense: "Master, can you stutter?"

  Yun Chujiu only then remembered the Swift-winged Jinpeng and the fat rabbit who had been thrown away in the outhouse by her.

  She walked to the outhouse, took out some monster meat and threw it to Jinpeng, and threw some carrots to the fat rabbit.

  She wanted to feed it grass, but the storage ring was full of herbs. It would be a waste to feed a tool rabbit.

   But what she never expected was that the fat rabbit rolled to the galloping Jinpeng, with a three-lobed mouth, and a bite of a large piece of monster meat, and then rolled aside.

  It's hard for it to roll so fast with all four paws tied up.

  The main thing is, shouldn’t rabbits be vegetarian?

  Golden Wings Jinpeng gave the fat rabbit a fierce look, and even dared to **** food in its mouth. If it weren’t for it to behave well now, it would have to swallow it directly.

   Yun Chujiu felt that this fat rabbit seemed a bit unusual, so she used her spiritual sense to instruct Chi-winged Jinpeng to stare at night so as not to get any moths.

  Jiji Jinpeng is simply flattered, and can arrange errands for it, which shows that the little girl regards it as her own.

  So, it vowed to stare at the fat rabbit even if it was not sleeping.

   Yun Chujiu was still worried, and after entering the inner room, he let out the dog's tail grass and let it stare at the Swift Wing Jinpeng and the fat rabbit.

  After arranging these, she collapsed and rested.

  The dog's tail grass looked at the Swift-winged Jinpeng and the fat rabbit outside through the crack of the door, quite a sense of superiority.

  Why didn't the black-hearted little girl let Ergouzi and his ilk stare, but let it stare?

  The reason is very simple, it is her most trusted spiritual pet.

  The first spiritual pet is none other than it!

  If it finds something wrong with the two little boys, it will do its job!

  Unfortunately, after staring at them all night, the two have been asleep and there is nothing unusual.

  Early in the morning, Chi Wu came here without breakfast.

  Yun Chujiu knew that he was coming at the fat rabbit, so he said to the fat rabbit: "We will not kill you, and we hope you are more sensible, or we will send you to Wufeng."

  (End of this chapter)

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