Chapter 10606

   Yun Chujiu touched her nose with a guilty conscience. Although she was worthy of this unlucky one, she still had a little conscience when she saw that her body was obviously thinner than the original body by more than a circle.

  Although the body size has shrunk, the fat and thin can still be seen. This unlucky person has suffered a lot of crimes at first glance, and the thin one is only skin and bones.

   Yun Chujiu coughed dryly: "Brother Qifeng, you must also know the origins of me and this fast-winged Jinpeng. I wonder if it can be convenient. I will go in and say a few words to it?"

  Don't talk about the wind, almost everyone in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect knows about this, after all, this fast-winged Jinpeng caused a disaster in the first place.

  The wind is embarrassed: "Here, you should stand here and talk to it! Everything else is easy to say, I am mainly afraid that this animal will hurt you under the anger.

  You are our distinguished guest, it would be bad if you were injured. "

  Yun Chujiu smiled and said: "That gadget loves face, I will go in and whisper a few whispers to it to enlighten it.

  It’s true that I was a little bit uncomfortable about the incident at the beginning. This incident will become my demon. "

  Qifeng still hesitated, and finally couldn't hold back Yun Chujiu's repeated pleadings, so he lent the whip of stewardship to Yun Chujiu, and said:

  "This whip has a deterrent effect on them. If it makes trouble, just smoke it."

   Yun Chujiu hurriedly thanked him, and then took the whip into the animal pen of the Swift Wing Jinpeng.

  There was only the hapless Jinpeng galloping in this animal pen. When it saw Yun Chujiu come in, its eyes were red.

   Yun Chujiu hurriedly shook the whip in her hand, and said with a smile:

  "Long time no see! I think we have some misunderstanding, come, let's go in and chat."

  As she said that, she bent down and got into the "nest" of the Swift Wing Jinpeng.

  Chicken Wing Jinpeng is the main source of income of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, so the treatment is still good.

  Half of the animal pen is an activity venue, and the other half is a simple shed to shelter from the rain.

   Yun Chujiu originally thought that the hapless guy would not be too cooperative, but he did not expect it to follow in obediently.

  Yun Chujiu guessed that it was because she was holding a whip in her hand. Qifeng just said that the whip had a deterrent effect on it.

  The shed does not have a door, but Yun Chujiu went in first, and unfortunately he went in later. It just blocked the sight of Qifeng and others.

  Yun Chujiu discovered that the hapless eyes were all red, but they weren't the angry blood flooding the pupils, but they seemed to be crying with joy?

  Is it possible that this unlucky person not only doesn't hate her, but also miss her very much?

  When she was in a circle, the hapless guy quacked non-stop.

  Yun Chujiu did not know why he felt that it was calling so loudly as a cover. What does it want to do?

   She lowered her voice: "What do you want to do?"

  The hapless eyes suddenly showed joy, and she pointed at her hand with the tip of her wings.

   is Yun Chujiu, and other people can't guess its intention at all.

  She was a little surprised: "Do you want to sign a contract with me?"

  Unlucky guy nodded while screaming in secret.

   Yun Chujiu feels that the unlucky person will not want to sign a contract with her for no reason, she must have something to ask for.

  She thought for a while and said:

   "Signing the contract will definitely attract their attention, so when you sign the contract for a while, you should make a noise. It is best to collapse the shed so that they will not notice."

  Unlucky guy immediately used his eyes to show that he knew.

   Yun Chujiu immediately took out a needle and pierced her finger, signing a contract with the hapless guy.

  At the same time, the cry of the unlucky guy suddenly became sharp, and the shed collapsed as he ran rampant with his wings spread.

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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