Chapter 10065 Puppet carriage

Cheng Jiaoxi took Yun Chujiu's four people out of the cold valley, and when he raised his hand, there was a four-horse horse-drawn carriage on the ground.

Why did Yun Chujiu think that the horse didn't seem to be real, because his eyes didn't move.

At this time, Cheng Jiaoxi waved the puppet stick and muttered words, and then cast spells on the four horses.

Almost instantly, the eyes of the four horses moved agile and neighed a few times.

Yun Chujiu was surprised when she saw it, it seemed that the spell was more magical than she thought.

Cheng Jiaoxi asked Yun Chujiu to sit in the car hood, and he drove in front.

Yun Chujiu was too curious and sat on the right side of the wheel.

Cheng Jiaoxi said with a calm face: "The hood has the effect of heat insulation. If you don't sit in it honestly, what do you run out for?!"

Yun Chujiu said with a smile: "It's okay, my mother gave me a baby, I am not afraid of heat."

Cheng Jiaoxi frowned, thinking, Wu's pain is enough for this Gu slowly, and even such a baby was given to her.

He didn't ask what kind of baby it was. After all, the Wu family had a rich family, and it was not surprising that there could be a baby with heat insulation.

Where did he know that Yun Chujiu's this was pure nonsense.

Yun Chujiu asked curiously: "Cheng Jiaoxi, I heard that the Qiqian Pure Land is hundreds of thousands of miles away from our place, shall we go in this carriage? Is it time to sign up?

Also, what shall we do when the fire puppets appear at night? "

What Yun Chujiu asked was the fake Shuyao and they wanted to ask. Although they were across the hood, the three of them also pricked their ears to listen.

Seeing Yun Chujiu's appearance that he had never seen the world before, Cheng Jiaoxi couldn't help being amused:

"Why? Do you think this puppet carriage will be very slow? Sit down!"

Cheng Jiaoxi said, raising the puppet to cast a spell.

The speed of the four horses suddenly accelerated, and even though Yun Chujiu was prepared, he was almost thrown out.

The scenery on both sides almost became afterimages, which shows how fast the carriage is.

Yun Chujiu regretted sitting outside at this time, because the dust on his face didn't feel good.

She turned her head to look at Cheng Jiaoxi, she was immaculate, and it was obvious that she had cast some spell.

She felt that Cheng Jiaoxi must be deliberate, so careful!

She took out a scarf to wrap her face, and then asked with her throat: "Jiaoxi Cheng, are we still on the road at night?"

Cheng Jiaoxi originally thought that she would retreat in the face of difficulties, but she did not expect that she would be quite resilient, and her voice became milder, and said:

"I have made arrangements. We will drive along during the day and rest in the passing city at night.

Although it will be a detour, it is safer. "

Yun Chujiu flattered: "You are still thoughtful, thanks to you going with us, otherwise we will suffer."

Cheng Jiaoxi smiled and said nothing.

Yun Chujiu asked again: "Can we only take a carriage? Are there no tools to fly in the sky?"

Cheng Jiaoxi said, why did you ask such a stupid question?

But he thought about it again that Sky Blindness was originally limited in knowledge, and it was normal if he didn't know it.

So, patiently explained: "Nothing can fly here! Even birds.

However, there is an exception in Qiqian Pure Land, where there are flying boats to ride, and there are also many birds. "

Yun Chujiu realized this, and said:

"What spell did you cast just now, will my elder sister and they know?

Why don't you teach them now and let them take turns driving, lest you have to work alone. "

(End of this chapter)

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