Chapter 10061 Follow along

On this day, Cheng Jiaoxi said to the fake Shuyao:

"There is only one month left for the entrance examination of Winter Academy, because Qiqian Pure Land is far away from the road to Hanqian City, so you should prepare for your departure.

Alas, time is limited, otherwise I can teach you more spells. "

Yun Chujiu blinked his eyes: "Jiaoxi Cheng, you can go with us so that you can continue to teach them the spell on the road.

Besides, we have never been to the Qiqian Pure Land. Those who are unfamiliar with the land, with your escort, we are more at ease! "

Cheng Jiaoxi was embarrassed and seemed embarrassed.

Yun Chujiu decided to work harder: "Jiaoxi Cheng, you have spent a lot of effort on my brothers and sisters, don't you want to watch them enter the Winter Academy?

It's not that I praise you. With you by your side, they will have the backbone in their hearts, and they will definitely perform better. "

Chi Wu and the three also hurriedly agreed and advised Cheng to go to Qiqian Pure Land with them.

Cheng Jiaoxi gritted his teeth: "Well, then I will let you go."

Yun Chujiu's four suddenly cheered, and Cheng Jiaoxi shook his head and smiled, except that there was a bit of bitterness in the smile.

After Cheng Jiaoxi said the decision to Feng Wenzhong, Feng Wenzhong frowned: "Did you think about it? Didn't you say that you would never step into the Pure Land of Qiqian in this life?"

Cheng Jiaoxi sighed: "The three children are rare geniuses. It would be a pity if something went wrong because of their unfamiliarity.

In addition, I can teach them many spells in the remaining month to make them have a better chance of winning. "

Feng Wenzhong shook his head: "Since you have already decided, I can't say anything.

If you are in the Qiqian Pure Land, if you have any difficulties, send me a message. I have a few good friends over there.

No matter how bad it is, there is still the Wu family. Although it is a face, it can be used at critical moments. "

Feng Wenzhong said that he transferred another 20,000 puppets to Cheng Jiaoxi. Cheng Jiaoxi was surprised: "This, this is too much!"

"The registration fee for the three of them plus the cost of food and clothing is not a small amount, not to mention that there is no harm in bringing more to the poor.

Brother Ji Ming, you also know that the three of them are related to my career, and I should spend some money. "

Seeing him say this, it is hard for Cheng Jiaoxi to refuse any more.

According to Cheng Jiaoxi's intention, he wanted to leave Yun Chujiu in Hanqian City, but the three of Shu Yao insisted on taking Yun Chujiu with him.

Cheng Jiaoxi couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

On the evening of the first day of the journey, Yun Chujiu specially went to visit the Wu family.

In fact, after the fake Shu Yao trio successfully summoned the puppets, Cheng Jiaoxi basically ignored Yun Chujiu.

So during this period, Yun Chujiu met the Wu several times for various reasons.

She has a sweet mouth, and will come and coax the Wus around.

It happened that Yun Chujiu didn't ask for anything, which made the Wus feel that she was kind-hearted.

"Slowly, with your brother and sister's qualifications, they will definitely be admitted to the Winter Academy this time, but you, but you can't enter, how will your little girl live by then?

Otherwise, you will stay with me in Hanqian City, don't follow to Qiqian Pure Land! "The Wu persuaded.

"Thank you for your kindness, Madam, if I don't follow it, I'm always worried.

If my brothers and sisters are admitted to the Winter Academy, I will come back with Cheng Jiao.

When the time comes, madam, don't throw me out! "Yun Chujiu said playfully.

(End of this chapter)

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