Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 10059: The rolling pin woke up

Chapter 10059 The rolling stick wakes up

Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi didn't know what Chi Wu was making in his heart. They covered each other's mouth with their hands for fear that the other party would make a noise.

Now the puppets have not been fully realized, if it is because they made a mistake, they will have to regret it for a lifetime!

Finally the halo faded away, and the three puppets were suspended in front of the Chi Wu trio.

The three of them stretched out their right hand and grabbed the puppet. Although there was no connection with the gods, they felt that the puppet had been bound to themselves inexplicably.

Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi let go, because they were so excited that they couldn't even speak for a while.

The fake Shuyao admired her puppet for a while, and then set her eyes on the puppets of Fei Yi and Chiwu.

When she saw Chi Wu's puppet, she suddenly said, "You have a unique puppet pattern!"

Chi Wu felt so angry!

Okay, you're a counterfeit. Which pot is not opened and which pot, right? !

However, because Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi were present, he couldn't tear his face with the fake Shuyao, so he could only answer vaguely.

At this time, Cheng Jiaoxi smiled and said to Chi Wu: "The tortoise puppet has a blessing effect on defensive spells. It is a real god-level high-grade puppet. You can steal it!"

Chi Wu turned from worry to joy when he heard it, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that his turtle stick was extraordinary.

Cheng Jiaoxi said to the fake Shuyao and Fei Yi: "Yours are also god-level top-grade puppets. With such puppet blessing, the future is limitless!

Give you three days to familiarize yourself with your puppet and develop fit.

Three days later, I officially teach you the spell. "

Cheng Jiaoxi and Feng Wenzhong also took the three puppets over for helping check the puppets, and admired them for a while.

Although their puppets were also top-grade puppets, the tops of the puppets were all plants, and they could only be classified as middle-grade gods.

During this process, everyone's attention was on the three puppets, and no one paid attention to Yun Chujiu who was standing aside.

Yun Chujiu was a little bit sour in her heart. Although she didn't think there was anything great about taking a walking stick, she didn't have anyone else, and it seemed a little shame.

There was a rolling pin in her storage ring, but she was dormant.

Besides, even if the spirit is not dormant, the rolling pin cannot be used as a puppet!

When she was thinking about it, the voice of a rolling pin rang from her divine consciousness: "Master, are you calling me?"

Yun Chujiu was surprised and delighted: "Xiao Huo, are you awake?"

The rolling stick was obviously a little confused about the situation at the time: "Where is this? Are they in bad health? Why are they all carrying a crutch?"

Even in a few words, Yun Chujiu handed the matter to Ergouzi.

Er Gouzi is very good at doing this kind of thing, vividly telling what happened after the rolling pin is dormant.

Of course, this takes time, and Er Gouzi's narration is not until the evening.

At this time, the fake Shu Yao was showing off to Yun Chujiu.

"I only learned today that the puppets are also graded. From the color, silver is the best, black is the worst, and other colors are medium.

In addition, the top patterns are also said. Birds and beasts are the best, followed by plants. Other patterns are worse.

So my puppet is silver with an eagle pattern on the top. It can be said to be a good top.

Of course, it's useless to tell you this. If you can't practice, you won't be able to summon a puppet. I really sympathize with you. "

(End of this chapter)

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