Chapter 10051, please ask

After Cheng Jiaoxi's consternation passed, his face was relieved:

"Girl Lianyi, I didn't expect you to make such a big determination!

With such determination, why can't it be done? ! "

When he said this, he turned to look at Chi Wu and Fei Yi: "Lianyi, a girl, has such a determination, shouldn't you also say something?

Well, you two should also shave your hair! "

Chi Wu, who is gloating for misfortune: "..."

Fei Yi is watching the excitement: "..."

The fake Shuyao was very nervous at first, and when she heard Cheng Jiaoxi's words, she suddenly felt relieved.

However, she feels that it is best to have the culprit shave his head, so that it is fair.

It's a pity that before she even entered the slander, I heard Yun Chujiu say:

"Cheng Jiaoxi, since all three of them have shaved their heads, you and me are left in the training room. Should we both shave their hairs?"

Cheng Jiaoxi wished to slap her to death. What did he say? !

If an old man of him shaved his head, what face would he have to meet people? !

"You, a sky-blind who can't cultivate, will add to the chaos?!

It's better to grind some puppets if you have this skill. If you can't finish the task tomorrow, you just wait to starve to death! "

After Cheng Jiaoxi finished speaking, he went back to his room busy.

The fake Shuyao has every reason to suspect that he is afraid of Yun Chujiu's continuing to shave his head.

Yun Chujiu said to Chi Wu and Fei Yi: "Eldest brother, second brother, hurry up to go to sleep, you have to get up early to practice tomorrow!"

Chi Wu and Fei Yi gave her a complicated look, they knew her too well!

It is impossible for a counterfeit to do anything to burn inventions. It must be a good thing for my little sister.

It's fine now, I'm tired of them, and I have to shave my head when I go back.

When everyone else left, Shu Yao closed the door and stared at Yun Chujiu:

"Did you forget what you promised me?"

"Of course I didn't forget. I said just now to tell you about Zhiling. I will naturally not break my promise.

What do you want to know? Just ask!

But I can only answer one question for you, you can ask it after you think about it. "Yun Chujiu said.

The fake Shuyao gritted her teeth with anger, but didn't want to give up this opportunity.

She thought for a while and asked: "I asked you, the adult in the imprint of Zhiling's divine consciousness was talking to you, why didn't you wait for him to finish talking?

Yun Chujiu looked at her like a fool: "You finally got a chance to ask questions, just ask such worthless questions?"

Fake Shu Yao said, do you think I want to ask? It is the adult who insists on asking, what can I do? !

Yun Chujiu saw that the fake Shuyao had no intention of remorse, and said:

"At that time, the person said that to me was nothing more than two situations. One was to force me to agree to his terms, and the other was to dig a hole for me.

Neither left nor right is a good thing, why should I waste time listening to him? !

Furthermore, if he was deliberately delaying time, wouldn't I be fooled? !

So I blew him up immediately!

What do you mean, that person is still your boss?

Gee, your place seems to be nepotism!

That pig brain can still be an official? In my opinion, he is far worse than you! "

Fake Shu Yao said angrily: "You don't provoke discord here, nonsense?!

I haven't asked you to settle the account yet! Why did you burn me with fire just now?

By the way, I have always suspected that you have a marrow of fire on your body, but I didn't expect it to be an invisible marrow.

Cut, do you think it's a good thing? "

Fake Shu Yao said this, but stopped deliberately.

(End of this chapter)

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