Chapter 10048 Persuade

When the fake Shuyao and the three of them heard it, their hearts were immediately moved.

Although their situation has improved a lot compared to before, the weather and diet of Hanqian City are very ordinary, even water is restricted, and they want to return to the Hongmeng world in their dreams.

Chi Wu scratched his head: "Sister, what you said makes sense, but how can we improve the cultivation process? We have worked hard enough!"

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "No, you didn't work hard enough! You are just practicing step by step according to Cheng Jiaoxi's account.

Starting today, you are only allowed to sleep for two hours a day, and the rest of the time will be used for cultivation.

You reveal your thoughts to Cheng Jiaoxi, maybe he has a way to increase the speed of cultivation in a short time.

In addition, you have to believe that you can do it.

You are not the landlord here. You have practiced before. Although there are differences, there is actually no difference inside.

As long as you are willing to work hard, your cultivation speed will definitely be very fast. "

Having said that, Yun Chujiu looked at fake Shu Yao:

"Especially you, where you are, your cultivation level is definitely much higher than that of Hongmeng Realm, and your understanding is also higher than that of ordinary people.

Even if the elder brother and the second brother can't do it, you can definitely do it! "

It was the first time that fake Shuyao heard Yun Chujiu say such beautiful words, and she suddenly felt enthusiastic and stood up:

"You are right! All routines and impossibility are aimed at mediocrities. There is nothing impossible for a genius like me!

Just stay, I'm going to practice! "

Chi Wu and Fei Yi: "..."

The two looked at each other. Since the counterfeit had said so, they naturally had nothing to say, and the two had to get up and go to the practice room where they practiced.

Yun Chujiu saw that all three had gone, so he returned to his room.

She still has one worry that has not been resolved, and that is her cultivation problem.

Since the fake Shuyao trio perceive the puppet Yuan, Cheng Jiaoxi has taught them the method of cultivation.

Yun Chujiu carefully asked the three of them about various details, and then took a chance to try it, but found nothing.

She couldn't perceive the puppeteer that the three people said, and it seemed that step-by-step training would definitely not work.

She wanted to find another way, but unfortunately she never thought of a way.

After a while, she heard Cheng Jiaoxi's voice coming from outside: "Why are you three practicing again? Stop sleeping?"

Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly opened the door and walked out.

As soon as I left, I heard Chi Wu say:

"Cheng Jiaoxi, we want to speed up our practice, because we want to, we want to apply for the Winter Academy this year."

Cheng Jiaoxi was taken aback: "Although it is a good thing to be enterprising, the cultivation must be gradual and not aggressive.

If you wait for three years, not only will you be more sure to get in, but your admission scores will also be good.

Entrance performance is related to the treatment after enrollment and the attention of the tutor, which is good for your growth. "

Yun Chujiu leaned over and said, "How about? I said Cheng Jiaoxi would definitely disagree with you doing this!

But you don’t listen, you have to do it!

Cheng Jiaoxi said before. I have never heard of anyone who has summoned a puppet after one month of cultivation. Do you still want to break this record? Stop having such unrealistic dreams!

Even if you are eager for revenge, even if you want to fight for the city lord and Cheng Jiaoxi, you have to do what you can! "

Cheng Jiaoxi was still a little unhappy at first, thinking that the fake Shuyao and the three were too lofty, but when Yun Chujiu said this, it turned out to be for revenge, and to fight for him and Feng Wenzhong, the anger suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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