Chapter 10039

Cheng Jiaoxi didn't mention the key, so I don't know if he forgot or wanted Yun Chujiu to keep it.

Yun Chujiu naturally couldn't ask for it. Seeing Cheng Jiaoxi turned around and entered the house, he hurriedly returned to her and fake Shuyao's room.

She went back to the room and asked Ergouzi with her spiritual sense: "What happened after I fell asleep? Why did the stones crack?"

Er Gouzi, they all said that everything was business as usual, and nothing unusual was found.

Yun Chujiu frowned, nothing happened? Those stones can never crack for no reason, right?

Er Gouzi said happily, "It is estimated that this stone is like a watermelon, it is over-ripe, so it cracked!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Er Gouzi continued to scream: "Otherwise, they are too happy to see you and want to grin, and that's it."

"It's also possible that little fairy, you are so good-looking. Others are loved by others. When flowers bloom, you are better than others. Even the stones are cracked!"

Yun Chujiu couldn't bear it: "Shut up!"

Fake Shu Yao watched Yun Chujiu sitting there, frowning, gloating and saying:

"Are you worrying about the tasks that Cheng Jiaoxi has arranged for you? Or if you give me something, I will ask Cheng Jiaoxi to help you plead?"

If Yun Chujiu doesn't bother to care about her in normal times, right when she is poof, but now she is upset and irritable, she will blow her hair!

She stared at the fake Shu Yao and said coldly: "You think you can practice, but I can't, so you're very proud, isn't it?"

Fake Shuyao was a little flustered by her stare, but said: "Of course I am very proud! I am a genius now, and you are a waste!

Even those two idiots can practice, but you can't. What are you not using? ! "

Yun Chujiu chuckled a smile: "You are right, I am indeed a waste wood, but my waste wood can kill you at any time, do you want to try?"

The fake Shu Yao was originally sitting opposite Yun Chujiu, but at this time she jumped to the door and stared at Yun Chujiu alertly.

At this moment, the smile on Yun Chujiu's face seemed very panicked to her, as she breathed from the soles of her feet.

Although she couldn't think of any way Yun Chujiu could kill her for a while, she felt that Yun Chujiu could do it inexplicably.

She laughed twice: "It's just a joke, are you serious? What kind of genius, the four of us are now grasshoppers on the same rope.

"Really? But I don't want to listen to this kind of joke again, remember?"

Fake Shu Yao squeezed Qubala and squeezed out a smile: "Remember."

Just then Chi Wu's voice came from outside: "Sister, it's dinner!"

Yun Chujiu said lightly: "Let's go, go out for dinner."

The fake Shuyao quickly opened the door and jumped out, feeling relieved that she was too embarrassed!

She comforted herself that she hadn't formally started her cultivation now, so she couldn't fight hard with that waste wood. It would not be too late to find the place after she had the cultivation base.

There was no place to eat in the training room, so the four of them ate in the rooms of Chiwu and Feiyi.

When eating, Shu Yao was extremely quiet, like a quail.

Chi Wu was a little puzzled, why did this counterfeit stop so much today?

However, he didn't care too much, and asked Yun Chujiu:

"Little girl, are you still used to the task of grinding puppets? If you are not used to it, do you need our help to talk to Cheng Jiaoxi?"

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "No, I can handle it. You three practice hard, don't worry about me."

(End of this chapter)

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