Chapter 10036 is gone

Yun Chujiu pondered for a while, and decided to wait for the fake Shuyao and the others to formally practice, learn about the principles of cultivation from them, and then think of ways to practice.

After sorting out these things, she took out the refreshments packed from Dongyuan to enjoy tea in a leisurely manner.

When Cheng Jiaoxi entered the room, he saw this scene.

Cheng Jiaoxi: "..."

"I said hello to the city lord. You will stay in the training room for a few days, and after a few days Wu Yuan is sent away, you will return to Dongyuan.

Please tidy up this room and the next room, and send someone to the housekeeper for what is missing. "

Yun Chujiu didn't have any embarrassment on his face. After he agreed, he said, "Jiaoxi Cheng, would you like a cup of tea?"

Cheng Jiaoxi snorted and walked away.

Fortunately, she didn't measure the genius's aptitude, otherwise the lazy temperament would be useless.

Yun Chujiu curled his lips and went out to the next room.

There is a lot of furniture in the next room, but it is also quite crude.

It just so happened that the butler came over, and Yun Chujiu gave him a list of things to add.

The butler’s attitude was very good. Not only did he get everything, he also sent a few maids to help Yun Chujiu get back home.

When the fake Shuyao and the three of them finished their cultivation, the two rooms had been arranged.

Fake Shuyao looked at Yun Chujiu gloating and said, "Now you are the only one who can't practice, so the work of serving people is yours!

From now on, you will take care of the three of us! "

Chi Wu glared at her. Originally, he was a little worried that Yun Chujiu would be sad because he couldn't practice. This counterfeit is really a pot which is not opened or which pot.

"Shut your mouth if you can't speak! What is the work of serving people? Little girl, this is a logistics support job!

Besides, those who work hard will rule others, and those who work hard will rule others. No matter how good we are, we have to listen to the arrangements of the younger sister. "

Fei Yi glanced at fake Shu Yao disapprovingly.

The fake Shuyao curled her lips. One or two of them were flatterers, and she was right. The scallion was originally to serve people.

Yun Chujiu smiled indifferently: "It's okay. Everyone is their own. Someone has to do everything, right?!

Let's have dinner! "

After the four of them had dinner, Yun Chujiu asked curiously, "What have you cultivated?"

Chi Wuxin said with lingering fear: "The room on the left is simply hell! Once inside, the internal organs are like being grilled on a fire.

Fortunately, I was only allowed to stay there for one hour. If I stayed for a while, I guess my life would be over. "

"What about the second room on the left?"

"It was empty inside, I didn't see anything, but I felt very comfortable meditating inside.

I was very weak when I came out of the first house, but now I have fully recovered. "

Yun Chujiu nodded, the time is short and there is nothing to be seen, the day will be long, so he is not in a hurry.

False Shuyao curled her lips secretly, and said to her heart, "You can't even practice. What's the use of asking questions?" !

However, she didn't say anything this time.

The next day, the fake Shuyao and the three of them still went to the first room on the left to stay for an hour, and then went into the second room on the left to meditate.

The same is true on the third day.

Yun Chujiu was really bored when he was idle, so he knocked on Cheng's room door.

Cheng Jiaoxi didn't look down on her very much, and was slightly impatient: "What's the matter?"

Yun Chujiu said, "Jiaoxi Cheng, my brother and sister taught me a lesson last night.

They said that I can't eat and drink for nothing in the city lord's mansion, you can find something to do for me! Even if you serve tea and pour water! "

(End of this chapter)

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