Chapter 10025 Distraction

After Feng Wenzhong let the three of them sit down, he took out a Lingu.

Yun Chujiu discovered that although this Lin Gu was smaller than that of Lin Yuan, it was lustrous and shiny, and at first glance it was superior to that one.

Feng Wenzhong took out a small porcelain bottle and handed it to the fake Shu Yao: "You test it again."

As a result, the fake Shu Yao drank the porcelain bottle and put her hand on Lin Gu.

After a while, six puppets were lit up, and the seventh puppet also shone faintly.

Feng Wen nodded loyally. He originally had some doubts about Ji Heng's report, but now he completely believed it!

A golden phoenix really flew out of the sky blind!

"Girl Lianyi, I heard that you only made up the roster a few days ago, and only made up your identity certificate today. What is going on?"

Although Feng Wenzhong called it quite intimacy, the fake Shuyao did not show any flattered expressions, and said lightly:

"Because our previous identities are gone, we can only do this."

Feng Wenzhong was at a loss. What does it mean to lose his previous identity?

The fake Shuyao obviously didn't mean to explain, she lowered her head and looked at the toe of her shoe: What would you like to eat tonight? Drumsticks? Ribs? Big meat buns?

Yun Chujiu laughed with her and said, "My lord, my sister is not very talkative, and her temperament is a bit deserted. Don't blame her.

If you do not dislike it, I can explain. "

Feng Wenzhong nodded: "Then what do you mean by what the girl Lianyi said just now? What do you mean by losing your previous identity?"

"Sir City Lord, we are from Yongdong City."

At this point, Yun Chujiu's eye circles were red.

Feng Wenzhong's expression changed: "Are you from Yongdong City? Yongdong City has been occupied by Fire Puppets, how did you escape?"

Yun Chujiu said: "It's a fluke to say that the four of us are actually not brothers and sisters, but we have been getting along very well and occasionally find time to waste sand.

I don't know why we dug up a lot of icegrass in the waste sand that day, we were greedy and forgot the time to return to the city.

When we wanted to rush back, Yongdong City was already red, and we didn't dare to go back.

Eternal Winter City cannot go back, we can only go to other cities.

There is no need for the hardships on the road. If we hadn't met Master Yuan and Jin Si that day, we would have died long ago. "

Feng Wenzhong was surprised: "Have you met Master Yuan and Jin Si? When? Tell me in detail."

Yun Chujiu immediately recounted the situation at that time.

She deliberately mentioned Yuan Tutor, just to divert Feng Wenzhong's attention, so as not to expose flaws under his detailed investigation.

Sure enough, after the Mentor Yuan was mentioned, Feng Wenzhong's attention was diverted.

It took a while to re-discuss the identity of the four Yun Chujiu. He asked, "What happened after you separated from Yuan Tutor?"

"To tell you the truth, the four of us are unfamiliar with places in life, so we are very scared and want to find a support.

At that time, I met Gu Qing outside Beicheng. I deliberately mentioned Master Yuan. He might get acquainted with us for Pan Gaozhi.

We recognized him as uncle, and later made up the roster and identity certificate. "Yun Chujiu said.

Feng Wenzhong nodded: "Then you haven't done a test in Yongdong City before? It stands to reason that every city has a free test for sky blindness every year."

Yun Chujiu was a little confused: "It's been tested! My sister tested it when she was a child. At that time, when the puppet ball was not on, she always thought she was sky blind.

This time I also saw someone else test it, and the two of us wanted to try our luck. "

(End of this chapter)

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