Chapter 1002 Great Panic

Some people have also doubted this test. There have been no such cases in the past years. Is there really any trouble in this?

They remembered what they said before the beginning of the cloud, and then saw that the four people should eat and drink at the beginning of the cloud. Usually, they are not practicing or playing cards. It is a must for nourishment. Is this really a solution?

"At the beginning of the cloud, you didn't finish talking that day. What do you see?" Several people were cheeky and asked for it.

At the beginning of the cloud, they looked at them: "Some people say that I am a waste, saying that I am a old hat or a dog's tail grass. Since I am so wasteful, I still don't lose sight of it, you still ask them!"

The few people laughed twice: "This is not what we said. We believe what you said, you talk about your thoughts."

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that these people were honest and sincere, and they no longer took Joe: "I ask you, when did Tianyuan College start school?"

"The fifth day of April."

“What date was we in the third round of testing?”

"March 25."

When Yun Yunyi asked these two questions, he didn’t talk. The few people stared at them for a while, then shot the thighs: "Rely! We have spent nearly two months on the flying spirit. Now, haven't they already started school for two months? What kind of **** test we are taking!"

"Yeah! We are still testing hard, we are all played! Even if we can pass the test, the day lily is cold!"

"However, why is Tianyuan College doing this? All of us are on this flying spirit. Are they not enrolling this year? Or are they re-elected among those who have been eliminated?"


The conversations of several people suddenly spread throughout the hall, and all the candidates were angry!

After a long time, they were given the ouns instructor! Is that Ouyang tutor simply not Tianyuan College? Where is he trying to hold them?

Some people make up a lot of terrible things in the brain, what to win, what to do in the mine to do cool work, some women are scared to cry, if they are not good, they will be sold to others as a waiter, how can this be it is good? !

Yin Sulian shouted: "It is very simple to solve this problem. We grab the Ouyang old man and force him to tell the truth! Do you dare to go with me?"

Everyone has already been blushing, and I heard Yin Sulian say so, and suddenly responded and rushed toward the hatch, but when they rushed to the cockpit, they found that there was no one in the cockpit. Ouyang’s mentor did not know where to go. Even the mentor who originally drove the flying spirits disappeared.

Everyone wanted to stop the flying spirits, only to find that they couldn't operate the flying spirit. What scared them was that both the front and all the directions were white and nothing could be seen.

"Well, we must have been tricked into the trap! We are dead!"

"Now the flying spirits have failed! If the front is a volcano or a cliff, do we have to smash the bones after we hit it?!"

"Let's hurry and leave the flying spirits! This way you can still live, stay here and wait until you die!"

Someone immediately went to push the hatch, but what made them desperate was that the hatch was actually sealed.

The people are caught in a huge panic...

(End of this chapter)

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