Chapter 10018 has six bright

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and then said madly: "Impossible! Huan'er can't be sky-blind! There must be something wrong with the test!"

The person in charge of the test said with a gloomy face: "There has never been an error in Linyuan's test. If you dare to talk nonsense anymore, please don't blame me for being polite!"

The man hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "My lord, she has lost her heart, so she has no choice but to speak. I will take her away!"

The person in charge of the test snorted and said nothing.

I thought to myself, it's no wonder that this woman is crazy, and Yuan Xiu's descendants rarely appear sky-blind, and she has been hit hard.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the woman again, and said impatiently to the fake Shu Yao: "What are you doing there? Why don't you come here soon?!"

The fake Shuyao walked two steps to the front. After she drank the liquid, she put her hand on the giant bone.

She feels a bit complicated, this body is not hers, so it doesn't really depend on her whether she can practice.

But she still had expectations in her heart. Once she could practice, she would no longer have to look at Yun Chujiu's face, and could even force her to surrender Zhi Ling.

It was precisely because of this expectation that when she saw the puppets on the giant bones light up one by one, joy was almost overflowing.

The person in charge of the test was originally absent-minded, and some of the sky-blind women who wanted to climb to the top of the tree had the best result of lighting up two puppets, which was not worthy of attention at all.

But seeing the puppets on the giant bones light up one by one, four puppets were already lit up, and the fifth puppet also tended to light up.

He suddenly became calm. Not only can he cultivate, but he also has excellent aptitude?

In the end, the puppets were fixed on six puppets.

The person in charge of the test has not spoken yet, the previous woman holding the baby said excitedly:

"Look, I said the test result is inaccurate! There must be something wrong with this Lin Gu!

If it wasn't something wrong, how could this lowly sky-blind light up six puppets? ! "

Her husband did not stop her this time, because he also felt that the test results were problematic.

The person in charge of the test also felt that the results were a little strange. It would be good if the sky blind could light up two puppets. How could it light up six?

He took a bottle of liquid and drank it, then put his hand on the giant bone, and the giant bone quickly lit up with four puppets.

He also asked several other law revision tests to maintain order, and the results were generally the same as the original tests.

He said to the fake Shu Yao: "Try again!"

His expression and tone were better than before. If the test result is correct, he can't offend the woman in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the woman held the baby and stood in front of the fake Shu Yao: "Test my Huaner first. It must be wrong just now."

The person in charge of the test frowned, but still handed her a bottle of liquid.

Unfortunately, after the baby was fed the liquid, the result of the test was exactly the same as before, and a puppet did not light up.

The woman was desperate and said to herself: "Impossible! How could I give birth to a sky blind?! Huan'er must have been replaced by someone!"

Having said this, she suddenly raised her head to look at her husband: "Did you replace my Huaner with the wild plants outside? I'm fighting with you!"

When she said that, she rushed to the man, biting and biting, like crazy.

The person in charge of the test frowned: "You have to fight and take the child away!"

Without even thinking about it, the man said, "Since it is sky blind, it has nothing to do with us. It doesn't matter if you kill it or throw it to Beicheng, it's up to you."

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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